Newbie question. Starting my first grow


Ok. So ive been online for the past month researching. I've picked up a Lowryder Deluxe Grow Box at a VERY VERY good price, so that made my decision easy.

Do you all really think I can successfully grow SIX plants in this? I'm not looking to sell. I'm only looking to have a good stock for myself and friends. I feel like 6 plants might be a lot of work and need a lot of manipulating in this grow bo, especially for a beginner.

Should I just grow three? Or...what about just one for my first grow? I'm going to get some type of autoflowering plant that doesn't grow too high. What is the average yield in ounces per plant for a grow box like this?

Suggestions for a newbie that has never tried out his green thumb?

Thanks in advance guys.


Active Member
I would suggest growing 2-3 if your a beginner because if one fails you still have other plants. The grow box looks good enough for my suggestion and you would need a bigger fan for that.


Active Member
I would suggest a hydro grow box because its a little bit easier to control. Yes you would need a bigger fan especially if your in a neighbor hood with "peepers" and it will help air circulation. Your yield depends on what kind of lights your using so less lumens less yields. i would suggest some 23w-40w+ cfls maybe 4-6 or more if you cant afford hps.