Newbie Question



I'm starting my first grow adventure and I think I've got everthing I need.
Germinated my seeds through the paper towel method and planted them on soil, put them under 24 hour light and all the other things every newbie guide tells you to do. The problem is this: when I dropped the seed in it's hole, I'm not sure the taproot was pointing downwards. Can I dig it up and set the taproot down or should I just let it figure it's own way out?

Thanks for any feedback, guys!


Well-Known Member

I'm starting my first grow adventure and I think I've got everthing I need.
Germinated my seeds through the paper towel method and planted them on soil, put them under 24 hour light and all the other things every newbie guide tells you to do. The problem is this: when I dropped the seed in it's hole, I'm not sure the taproot was pointing downwards. Can I dig it up and set the taproot down or should I just let it figure it's own way out?

Thanks for any feedback, guys!
Don't dig it up mate. Just let the plant do its thing. It will come up trust me. Just make sure to keep the soil damp.


Well-Known Member
gravity will do the job for you

then hormones kick in.......!

patience is a 'grower thing'

good luck


Well-Known Member
The root will do it's thing.
(I dislike this germination part of the grow;.although I have found that staring at the top of the soil for a few days usually gets them poking their heads out :lol:)


Well-Known Member
most times the root finds its way. next time just plant the seed. it doesn't need any help to germinate. seeds only need moisture and warmth to pop.