newbie, questions, abou,t veg, plzz help


ok so I have two plants that are about 2 inches tall, this is my first grow and I have done tons and tons of research I plan on vegging for about a month or so the switching to 12/12 for flowering but I have a question that may sound stupid but im serious .,as I said my plants are now abt 2 inches tall and a week old I know in order to start flower stage you have to change the light cycle to 12/12 are my plant going to be in the veg stage automaticly, or is there something specific I need to do in order to induce veg plz reply and thanks.


Well-Known Member
you are in seedling stage, to induce vegetative state you have to turn the pot 90 degrees at 11.59pm two weeks after sprouting


Well-Known Member
I know it was a stupid quest for you two idiots up there but I was just making sure no need to be wise asses better safe than sorry fuck heads
That is what I do! I'm serious. the rotation tricks the plant into thinking that optimum veg season has arrived. Geez, you try to help people!


Well-Known Member
It's actually not a stupid question. I think you are thinking this because people say seedling stage, then veg stage, then flowering stage. Seedling and veg stage is the same, with 18/6 hours or whatever. Just the first couple of weeks they are considered seedlings and don't do much just put roots down. Then they go into pretty rapid growth period called the veg stage.


damn...i turned mine 15 degrees anti-clockwise ,,,,now im gona have 2 start all over again wen they turn back 2 seeds....