Newbie to the site. :) Hi folks!! :)


New Member
Oh...sorry. The CFL is equivalent to 100 watts I believe..its only one plant. My brother tells me he'll help me with the fan part and we might look for an old dresser to convert. :) I need stealth cuz of the state I live in...hate FL but oh well.


Active Member
With fluorescent lighting, look for actual wattage, not the equivalent. I've learned that cannabis plants generally require 100 watts of light for the first plant, then 50 watts for every plant after that, so you're going to need some more lights soon. Try sticking with CFL's or LED's in that small of a space.

I'd also try to get some perlite in your soil mix when you transplant unless you plan to buy a lighter soil, but even then, adding some perlite will help aerate your mix, getting more oxygen to your roots, while still retaining moisture. That soil looks a little heavy in clay. Other than that, she looks healthy. Post back with any questions and welcome to RIU.


Active Member
What kind of fans are you looking for? You may need two fans. One to oscillate over your plants, and another to expel the hot air from your grow box. You can get a clip-on fan for less than 10-20 dollars. And you can use an axial fan (computer fan) as an exhaust. Just mount it to the top of your grow box, on or near the ceiling through a hole and out of your box.