Newbie - what to do with concentrates?


Hi everyone! I have some VERY newbie questions, and I hope you can answer me. I have searched around the forums a bit - but most of what I am finding is above my head.

First off, I will admit that I am truly marijuana ignorant. I buy bud, for my personal use, and make edibles, or canna caps - following the guides found here. I have had great success, or at least I think so! So I hit up my guy last night, and at the end of the conversation, he says "got some concentrate too, if you're interested." Umm, am I interested? The thing that makes think I might be is that I make a concentrated oil liquid to fill the canna caps as it is. Would this save me some steps if I start from concentrate? How do people ingest concentrate? Can you use it to cook with? From what I can see, some vape with this waxy substance... would you just use any old e-cig you could find at the store up the street? How does a concentrate high compare to an edible high? I much prefer edibles to smoking it - longer lasting, mellow, etc.

Any insight you could provide will be most appreciated!
I dab and vape wax and shatter. Concentrates are awesome. U can cook with concentrates but I'm not to informed on that. U can take a little wax and put it in the end of a joint. There are tons of thing that u can do.
Would this save me some steps if I start from concentrate?

How do people ingest concentrate?

Can you use it to cook with?

From what I can see, some vape with this waxy substance... would you just use any old e-cig you could find at the store up the street?

How does a concentrate high compare to an edible high?

Possibly, yes.

A variety of ways. Sometimes in caps, sometimes cooked in edibles, sometimes anal suppository(although probably rare).

Yes you can cook with it.

Probably not. For most E-cigs you would need to mix with a pg or vg type solution.

Concentrate high is like smoking more in a shorter time in comparison to just smoking herb.

be careful though. Not all concentrates are created equally and there's a lot of poop soup floating around on the streets out there. if it's brown or black stay the fuck away..... and it should absolutely be translucent.
You should get yourself a cheap chinese enail and see which one of your friends can handle the biggest dabs. Thats what i do with concentrates... Sometimes as i enter weed clubs people go hide in the toilets and shit lol
A key thing to keep in mind with concentrates, is that it is a concentrate and tolerances vary considerably.

Eloquentsolution developed our Skunk Pharm Research medicated Truffle line, that we dropped because they were just tooooo damn tasty and so many people were overdosing. I could see myself doing so in a weak moment on her wild Huckleberry truffles.

With simple dabbing, it is easier to modulate the dosage, where with orals, you don't have any immediate feedback, and once it is down the hatch, the deed is done..........

Soooo, do pay attention to dosages when using concentrates for orals.

PS: No record of a cannabis OD being fatal, because the endocannabinoid system doesn't control the respiratory or circulatory systems, but it does upchucking and the bowels, as well as the desire to lie very still and not be moved.
I agree with fadedawg. If you aren't familiar with concentrates they can be tricky. I have gel caps that are dosed out already. If you try that a couple of times you'll probably have a better idea what you are dealing with.