Newbie with ?? about early budding and 5 gal buckets


Active Member
Hello everybody. I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping I can get the answers to. I live in central FL. I have an outdoor grow going. I bought 10 Dutch Passion White Widow and 5 feminized Dutch Passion Diamonds seeds from Dr. Chronic. I started germinating 5 of each on Feb 15th. They all germinated and I started putting them outside in the morning around a week later and bringing them in at night. After the last frost, I put them out 24/7 in five gallon buckets. They probably get around 6 hours of direct sunlight. I have tested the soil pH and it was cool. I give them a 24-8-16 plant food. Now, they are ranging in size from 1.5 to 2.5 feet tall. My questions are these:

1. They are already showing their sex. They are all females which is great but some have buds on them already which doesn't seem right. Will this affect their size? Am I looking at harvesting 3-4 foot plants? During my grow last year, my bagseed plants were 5 foot tall before I knew their sex and 8 foot when I harvested over a pound from each. How can I get these plants huge if they are already showing bud?

2. I have heard if you give them an hour of light at night it will force them to continually grow. Is this true?

3. They are in 5 gallon buckets because I will have to move them to a more secure spot in early May. I will be putting them in the ground then. Will the fact that they will be over 9 or 10 weeks old and in 5 gallon buckets affect their size?

Pics are attached. Thanks in advance for any information you can give me.



Well-Known Member
They will probably get 2x as big as they were when they started flowering but most Indicas will not get 8 feet tall.

You basically are growing seeds meant for indoor growing which are bred to stay small and compact. I would not mess with any light at night because it could possibly stunt them or maybe make them go hermie.

These are outdoor so just let mother nature take it's course. She is way better at it then we are! :)