Newbie with seeds seeking advice

Hi everyone,

First of all, I really enjoy my time on the site and love the generosity people show with their advice, it has been very helpful.

I went to the NECANN convention over the weekend in Portland, Maine and got my hands on some seeds from two different vendors there. One was a local Maine company and the other was from, I think Oregon.

The Maine seeds are non-feminized and called Lemon MOB. I followed the directions they provided:
-Seeds into water for 18-24hours
-Jiffy pucks soaked for 15min in non ph'd water
-They are in a tent under a heat map and 3 sets of 4' T-8 lights with 6500 light spectrum
- I filled solo cups with nectar #4 soil and made room to place the jiffy pucks in so that they were surround by soil. I mixed in some great white mycorrhizae and pearlite prior to putting it into the cups.
- 6 were under a dome and 6 had baggies over the cups to help keep things from drying out.

So far 6 have sprouted, 5 from the cups with baggies and 1 from the dome. I am planning on going away for the weekend and was wondering what people would recommend I do to help keep things from drying out or avoiding dead plants when I come back on Sunday morning. Seems like the cups are holding their moisture well enough.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Water them properly before leaving and it will be just fine.

Seedlings barely drink water and even if they did, plants can go more than 2 days without watering. I've once not watered for a week and when I finally did, the plants were perfectly fine 12 hours later.
Thank you for the advice! I gave the plants a proper drink before leaving and they looked very happy when I got back home. Some new leaves and quite a bit of growth. 8)8)