

Active Member
Would it be alright if i was to start growing my plant in late june like june 27 outdoors because it is my first time and i just got the seeds today and wanting to plant them now. They are Early Wonder Skunk
Autoflowering seeds from the vancouver seed bank,they start to flower during july 21- aug 30, I am growing in B.C canada and i was just wondering if it would still work out.


Well-Known Member
Wait, are they autoflowering or not?

Autoflowering means they flower in relation to plant age, not because of light hours. Usually 10-11 weeks from seed, whenever that is you plant them. However auto's have a tendency to not do so well outdoors.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
well, there gonna be small, but a little bud is better than none. if i were you keep all of them close togther and hope for a male, that way u have lots of seeds so you can do a full grow next year.


Active Member
im going to have about 4 plants hopefully 2 of them will be female, and i want enough bud to smoke for abit.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
u might get 6 or 7 grams off each one. its hard to say. if you grow them perfect u could get way more. depending on how much u smoke u should have bud for a while, i smoke 1 every week or 2 so as much ar ur gonna get id be set for quite a while. gool luck man, hey make a journal id like to follow ur grow.