
Whats up everyone. Im turbocivic. I work as a autobody technician and am 25 years old and live in the midwest. Have lived in phoenix, and tampa florida. I enjoy cars, :leaf: and some :hump: Nice to meet everyone site looks awesome.

Right now im doing a closet cfl setup, circ fan, mylar walls, 70% humidty, 70 degrees, started with 8 plants. Now have 6 females. Just started 12/12 5days ago started with earl may soil mix, worm casting, peralite, and epson salt mag with water once a week. using 2 large cfl bulbs in chicken coop reflective housing. heres a pic out of the room. becouse I had to take out 2 males unknown strain, first grow not sure if Ineed to do anything at this stage while she is flowering, i plan to look threw the noob section for some guidance as well.


if your plants look nice green they are happy if the tops of the plants the new growth looks light to yellow green add more nutrients if plants are to dark green sign of to much nutrients further check under leaves with magnifier for bugs you can use any bug spray for fruit wich states fruit can be consumed after spraying. ENJOY
Hey thanks for the tips ozone really appeciate it. started with 8 mystery seeds and Im now down to 3 beautiful flowering biznitches !!!!! Also I have been adding half tbl spoon fox farm bloomer to my water once every few days. Need to get some more recent pics up and should make a new thread, but I've been so busy with work, cars, my women and kid, and now these three ladies :0)
well 7.5 weeks with 12/12 almost hitting 8 but still looks a little un mature in the middle and bottom heades look nice, I've read it can take up to 13 weeks. ozone can you help me out if I get a current state pic.. I dont want to over or undershoot harvest, also looking for a better internet link to curring. Ive searched google but didnt find any really good articles as to how long to hang it for how to trim and jar up. I kno its all needed not just havent done the process .. THANK you all for any help


sure post some new pics also check out the site it's packed with tips ideas and loads of info on growing
some strains can take up to 15 weeks i say I had some Amnesia Haze 14 weeks it took look at the pistils when about 50% turn amber color it's ready to harvest
I trim the leaves and teave the bud on the sticks hang them to dry with a table fan to speed up the drying wich will take about 1 to 2 weeks then trim bud of sticks and store in jars or tupperware containers opening them once or twice a day to let out some exess moisture and ready to SMOKE !!
when drying the smell may seem to disapear but returns when curing in jars or thubs