Newly transplanted clones, new growth yellow/curling


New Member
Hi there ladies and gents!

I recently got these clones from the dispensary about 5 days ago. 3 different strains, 4 clones in total. When I got them home I transplanted them into a 50/50 mix of soil/coco-perlite.

The first day my temps got out of control and the plants hit 85 degrees Fahrenheit inside my tent. That was 4 days ago. Since then I have had a/c installed and I am running at a steady 73-75 degrees Fahrenheit and about 50% humidity. Oh and I am running a 400w Metal Halide that I am keeping about 24 inches about the canopy right now.

Two of the strains are doing just fine, however the two clones in the front of my first picture (Headband) are drooping and the new growth is really turning yellow and drooping. So far all they have been given is RO water and a mild dose of vitamin B-1, @ 1.5 ml per liter. At first I thought it might be over watering, however I only watered them once, and I let the soil get bone dry before watering again, and no change. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Mb ur ph is out of whack. Try a week fertilizer and see if that doesn't green them up. The drooping could be from transplant shock. Don't give up on them yet.


New Member
Mb ur ph is out of whack. Try a week fertilizer and see if that doesn't green them up. The drooping could be from transplant shock. Don't give up on them yet.
Ok. Not giving up yet!

I had measured the PH of my water and it read about 6.5 which is pretty safe. However I wasn't measuring the PH of my solution after I added my nutrients and such. It was at 4.8! I got some PH Up/Down and am watering with correct PH as of last night. Also since I went 50% coco I added some CaMg as well. Hope those two things solve it.

Its so odd though. These Headband clones had the largest root structure of all the clones when I transplanted them. Now the Chernobyl clone has almost filled the entire pot with roots and the Headband has barely grown new roots. Finn-icky little things aren't they.


New Member
So basically no change as of yet. I fear its on a slow path to death. Will go to the store tomorrow and get some just in case clones I guess..