NFG wants to know

I had 2 7x7 rooms 1 with a 1000w MH for veg the other 1000w HPS for flower. I just made another 7x7 room for flower also. My question for all is ? I will now have to buy another light set up should i get another MH or HPS for the 2nd flower room


Well-Known Member
You questions worded strange, thats why no ones replied yet. So Im assuming you had 2 rooms and your only using 1 at the moment and your about to have access to the 2nd? If so just have the 1 MH that you already have an invest in another HPS, that way you can have clones/babies/seedlings in the veg, medium sizes in the first HPS and the late flowering ones in the 2nd HPS room.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that you are breaking the bloom room into two stages so you can have a perpetual grow? If that's the case, another HPS would be the obvious decision, BUT, I've always wanted to try a MH for the first half of bloom, and see how much it reduces stretching, so IDK. Either will work great, but keep that in mind when you make your decision.