Nice, but do you have that in 40w Plasma?

Lasers are fun...
Coupled with the rail-guns from BAE, the future of military ops is going to the robots.

It's also somewhat funny how lasers had to go through decades of consumer use before the military could finally develop its "death ray". WTF took them so long? Other priorities perhaps, like mini-nukes etc.?
Tesla started the death ray thing. The other guys didn't want to give free energy away so they went with the nukes. A laser beam just keeps going so you need a bad ass targeting system that can track an object. I think that's why it wasn't pursued.
Tesla started the death ray thing. The other guys didn't want to give free energy away so they went with the nukes. A laser beam just keeps going so you need a bad ass targeting system that can track an object. I think that's why it wasn't pursued.

Forgive me for my ignorance on this subject, but I thought laser beams have been tested and used at both a military capacity as well as energy within the past decade. Am I wrong about this?
Tesla started the death ray thing. The other guys didn't want to give free energy away so they went with the nukes. A laser beam just keeps going so you need a bad ass targeting system that can track an object. I think that's why it wasn't pursued.

Broadcast power was and is a pipe dream. :)