Nirvana Closet Grow - White Widow & Blue Mystic (feminized) & Northern Lights auto

150w or 250w HPS?

  • 150w (You don't need the 250w)

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Hey everyone! This is more or less one of my first grows (if you care as much to find out what the more or less is about, you can find it in my profile :-|)

I have a small box to start them in (the base is probably around about2.5' by 1.75' and I'd say about 2.5' tall but I don't really know
) Right now the box only has a 40w cfl (might put another one in once I install an intake or I might just use the 3 15w grow fluorescent lights I have )

The actual closet is 20" wide by 30" (the 30" length can be expanded to about 40" if need-be but I'm trying to keep in contained within the closet) and about 6' tall. I'll be using a 400w HPS light and growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil.

I started a couple of each seed at a friend's house but he left a heater on and killed them all(my past thread)
No clue why he did such a thing
The mystic was the only survivor but today my CFl killed it today so...starting from scratch! I have a White Widow and two Northern Lights on the way (they cracked) and I'm going to start another Blue Mystic (maybe two..? probably not, it's a small area)

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!

The first two pics show the grow closet and the new HPS light; the plant in there is the bagseed from my last thread , it is about a month into flowering sadly! Has been being grown under the previously mentioned 3x 15w fluorescent lights. The third shows the starter box I have with the now deceased blue mystic baby.


Im down to help take a further back pick of your setup:-)


Any advice would be much appreciated:), and this is the best I have until tomorrow; I am somewhere else right now. It is the upper part of a Wardrobe\Dresser, it has two doors. I've lined the whole thing (mostly) with windshield reflector as you can see, tomorrow I plan on getting some val crow for the doors (this is before I added the light trap to the right of the plant)

Tomorrow I will take a picture of\measure the closet inwhich these will actually be grown in, should help with judging the light...idk why I havent done this by now..hell I didn't even set that box up as half assed as it is until today haha bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Rock a 150w hps in the box and a 400-1000 in the closet how much funds do you have or are you broke like myself. Run 12/12 from seed or have the box as a veg cab veg for two weeks or so then put them in the closet to finish flowering. Start sets of two or one and start them 2 weeks apart then every two weeks start one and move one over to the closet to flower grow in 1-3 gallon pots 1 gallon is fine and you will be able to fit more. But you could get like a QP every two weeks. You could even grow out plants clone then flower the clones if you like the smoke save the mothers and just use the box to veg out a few mothers and fill the closet full of clones that way you dont have to start/guy seeds everytime.
Rock a 150w hps in the box and a 400-1000 in the closet how much funds do you have or are you broke like myself. Run 12/12 from seed or have the box as a veg cab veg for two weeks or so then put them in the closet to finish flowering. Start sets of two or one and start them 2 weeks apart then every two weeks start one and move one over to the closet to flower grow in 1-3 gallon pots 1 gallon is fine and you will be able to fit more. But you could get like a QP every two weeks. You could even grow out plants clone then flower the clones if you like the smoke save the mothers and just use the box to veg out a few mothers and fill the closet full of clones that way you dont have to start/guy seeds everytime.
Man that would be great, I like the sounds of that; but yeah I am quite broke. My plan is to keep them in the box for 2 weeks or so and then put them in the closet (I'll then keep the box to start clones or new ones if I have bad luck with the pheno). Since the Northern Lights are supposed to finish in about 70 days under 16\8 so I was thinking I could veg the Widow & Mystic with them and then on the last week of the 70 days start 12\12.

Honestly I have no idea if that is stupid or not, but it is what I have been intending to do. So you definitely do not think a 250watt would have heating problems? Or would that even be enough for four plants?

If the Autos mixed in are a bad idea- is that box big enough for them? I doubt I could fit a 150w HPS in there & the plants though.
thanks again!


Thanks for the link- I like your idea for the automated fans & the ductwork; I'm pretty cheap, I planned on setting up something similiar myself, but with some timers\cellphone chargers\pc fans\pvc (or whatever I can find laying around) although those are reasonable prices.
and damnn, looks like those beans are worth the buck, eh? (not that they're particularly expensive :P, but still)


Well-Known Member
I would just run photo plants and i dont think you would have a heat problem with a 400w air cooled hood in the closet and you can run a 150w in the box no problem but with any HPS you will have to pull enough air through the room/box and blow enough air over the bulb to keep it cool. Right now im running a 150w ina closet not exhaust only passive and a intake "double window fan" and a small 6inch to blow right on the hps over the top of the plant. Dont be lazy go through my second sig the setup is in the first few pages then i added a 150w HPS. For your box you will need 2 intake "atleast 55 cfm" two exhaust "atleast 90cfm" then closet you'll need a box fan big enough to fit the bottom of the doorway or build a 2x4 frame inside the door frame so you can mount the box fan at the top blowing out then leave the bottom open and place a sheet of mylar in the middle roll a wooden dowel up in the bottom of the mylar with a hook so you can simply lift up and hook an eyelet to work in your garden.


Well-Known Member
Mount like goten did a 120mm 90cfm ac fan tot he hood blowing on the bulb and you will have no problems with heat in that box with a 150 just get the remote ballast from HTG supply thats were we both got our 150w hps.
I think I might get a small 150w for the autos in the box then if they're that small. But I still think I'm going to go with a 250w max in the closet. Unless there would be that big of a difference, but I think with 2-4 plants, 250w should be enough, shouldn't it? I should note that I am really bad at estimates and maybe I'm portraying the closet as being bigger than it really is..but then again, after looking those over briefly..I do feel better about the temps. I'll look through your threads fully tomorrow, for now I'm off to bed.
Thank you for the advice


Well-Known Member
400w would bang some shit out bro 250 is a little small for 4 full sized plant but if you do micro like myself then you could do 4 under a 250 but they would have to be pretty much 12/12 from seed or mainly focus on one main cola not much fun;-)
You talked me into it haha, I drove 250 miles (there and back) today and purchased a 400w HPS light setup. Kind of a bitter sweet victory today..another little setback; the cfl fell on the mystic baby! I would be more upset but...considering what I've lost already, I'm over it...I'll post photos in first post of the closet & the lamp, also I now have semi accurate dimensions for the closet.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea about deleting a poll do does the closet have a door? Do you rent or own can you cut holes in the door? Or take the door off and build a 2x4 frame like i described before so you can mount a 20 inch box fan in the top of the door frame? Hows the temps in the closet?
I have no idea about deleting a poll do does the closet have a door? Do you rent or own can you cut holes in the door? Or take the door off and build a 2x4 frame like i described before so you can mount a 20 inch box fan in the top of the door frame? Hows the temps in the closet?
The closet has two sliding doors, one is sealed and that is pretty much my grow area; but to answer your question. I rent; so cutting holes or taking the door off is a definite no no haha.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh taking em off is chill just be careful and save all the hardware then if they want to inspect move your garden and reinstall Your going to need to get some exhaust going and some intake but the intake can be passive.
Ahhh taking em off is chill just be careful and save all the hardware then if they want to inspect move your garden and reinstall Your going to need to get some exhaust going and some intake but the intake can be passive.
Right now with just that one weak ass old useless junk fan in there it is about 92 or so, with the door cracked. My grow area is only half of the closet and there is a shelf which is what makes the 6' height constraint. My plan is to have a wall (made of the car window reflectors with support) in the middle of the closet, using a double window fan ontop of the light (mounted to the bottom of the shelf) for exhaust and on the bottom I will have about a foot tall piece of wood for the bottom part of the wall (part of an old trunk) that has a PC fan for intake and holes to run the wiring through. I'll beable to peel the reflector off the wall and go about my business inside (I believe you recommended something similar, or maybe I seen it on your thread, I don't remember, but that's the setup I had in there to begin with) The exhaust from the closet is going to be leaving the other closet door a couple inches open.

I don't know if you'll be able to visual that, I am horrible at explaining things
Just will have to wait for pics but i kinda got the picture.
I'll have it setup within a few days. Wonder what that beast will do to that bagseed...She has been livin off about 3,000 lumens, idk if introducing 47k more at this point is a good thing or not? haha Not that it matters, probably only about a gram or two on it right now anyways.

2 of the 4 seedlings will need light tomorrow...Should I start them with a CFL or the fluorescent? If it really matters I COULD prepare the closet for them but I would like to have a couple days of temperature trial and error...I don't want any more set backs :p.

Also, thanks for recommending the 400w, the only reference I had for lumens was from the Grow Bible and Greg doesn't seem to really explain how they work too well..He basically makes it seem like a single 40 CFL is good for a whole plant. The guy at the grow shop looked at me strangely when I asked if they even had a 250w.


Well-Known Member
Yeah start your beans in the box veg for a few 2 weeks transplant into larger pot then into the closet on 12/12 or you could use the HPS to veg for a few weeks then switch over to 12/12. If i was you i would put my plants in flower right after the transplant and just run more then 4 like probably 8-12 so i could harvest every two weeks or so just start sets of two 2 weeks apart and when you harvest 2 you put two more in flower makes sense? just use your veg box to start em and have em waiting so in two weeks when you harvest again you have more to put into flower and so on. Maybe doa first run with a fewer amount of plants and have different veg times on all of them see what you like and what works out the best in you grow space. Check out SCROG you will want to try it if you only want a few plants growing so you can double or even triple your yield off 4 plants.