Nirvana Seeds + Bag seed. Second attempt at growing.


Well-Known Member
Hi! some of you might remember me from a while back when I tried to grow some seeds in a stealth dresser in my room. Needless to say it ultimately failed as my rather blind mom watered my plants thus overwatering and killing them. Not to mention i put them in flower mode because i didnt understand some things and yeah it just went bad. But this time Im older, smarter, and i can actually read now LOL. And of course I live alone with my woman now so it's all good!

I started a few seeds (6) about 3 days ago. the original number was lucky 7 but one didnt seem to pop outta the seed and i was tired of waiting, plus I dont want to have to transfer over anymore seeds im unsure of gender on and i assume at least 2 cups will probably have males but who knows.. maybe all 6 will be ladies!

Anywho. I ordered a 150 WATT HPS light off amazon and ups is being mad gay about delivering it so hopefully it will arrive this evening.

I am going to keep track of all my progress here. I also understand that 18/6 = Veg 12/12 = flowering schedule. I am a novice but i am also a quick study.

Any tips, help, etc would be greatly appreciated. and I am going to rearrange my grow closet once my HPS gets here and i know that when using CFL they need to be exceptionally close. Im not sure thats the same with HPS so all input is valued.

I am going to be on a budget when it comes to this so i will consider recommendations however if its too expensive it may have to wait.

I will be uploading pictures of my current stuff when I get unlazy enough to take more pictures. Thanks and happy growing / vaping guys!
So my loving gf fought the brave fight with UPS and won! Scored my light after they were being twits about it so now i have a proper small setup. Pics are included. I figured i need to mention i grow other plants and things too so you may notice different grow mates under the Light.

Also these pictures are from early on. The electrician aka my gf did the wiring over so that no cords or anything is hanging or in danger of getting tangled as we know these plants can get quite large before moved. :D


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Minion #1 (conveniently named by the gf) is the first to sprout and show signs of life. Go bag seed go!


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Above are the pictures from this week. So far all of the party cups except like 2 are canny plants the one in the big grey pot is the auto flowering princess who gets the royal treatment as we verify and vouch for nirvana seeds I am due to work soon so i am about to relax until then. Feel free to leave me comments questions and suggestions!

My Nirvana seeds arrived this week thank god! I Immediately hatched a Blue Mystic AutoFlower. Germed 1/1 seed as this is a test for me so i need to see what I'm capable of. My girlfriend is the architect where she pretty much has been given control of the grow area and she has some of her plants in it as well. Her moon flower (which oddly has the seed still on its head LMAO) has sprouted as well. It's also very interesting to see how other plants act similarly to the cannibus plant.


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Hey good luck, just got my nirvana order two days ago and my first time using a seed bank. My first grow under Area 51 xgs 190 in a 3x3 tent. As soon as light and tent gets here I'll be starting Snow White, also got ak48 and trading for a bubblelicius and raspberry cough. Then i will try some of the freebies they sent.
Looks interesting so far, also nice conversational style of writing. Ive grew a few Nirvanas in my day and generally they do ok. the 150W light you bought will do the job fine for vegging at least, maybe a stronger light would get you more yield etc blah blah, but youre a relatively newbie grower and you want to get on with things. My first grow was Nirvana Northern lights and done from start to finish under a 250W metal halide, I got 2 ounces from that plant, and it really was the stupidest grow, virtually no ferts, coldish attic, yet I came out of it with a couple of ounces of decent weed. Main newbie things to watch out for is getting your watering right, let it dry out a bit between watering, usually every three days is about right, also, don't let the plant outgrow your pot, keep upping the pot size until you are in the final container. I'm no expert but now have a dozen grows under my belt and I could maybe chip in with a couple of suggestions now and then, without becoming a pain in the process. You don't have to spend a fortune or have a degree in botanical science to grow decent weed and I like new growers to have a positive experience. good luck sir and hope you don't mind if I throw in the odd suggestion---ps give us some details of your soil , fertilisers etc without getting too scientific, a good grow sometimes hinges of these basic things and there are ways of using the right soil etc without spending a fortune.
Stating the obvious, have you figured out a way to grow regular seeds and autoflowering plants under the same light ?
Looks interesting so far, also nice conversational style of writing. Ive grew a few Nirvanas in my day and generally they do ok. the 150W light you bought will do the job fine for vegging at least, maybe a stronger light would get you more yield etc blah blah, but youre a relatively newbie grower and you want to get on with things. My first grow was Nirvana Northern lights and done from start to finish under a 250W metal halide, I got 2 ounces from that plant, and it really was the stupidest grow, virtually no ferts, coldish attic, yet I came out of it with a couple of ounces of decent weed. Main newbie things to watch out for is getting your watering right, let it dry out a bit between watering, usually every three days is about right, also, don't let the plant outgrow your pot, keep upping the pot size until you are in the final container. I'm no expert but now have a dozen grows under my belt and I could maybe chip in with a couple of suggestions now and then, without becoming a pain in the process. You don't have to spend a fortune or have a degree in botanical science to grow decent weed and I like new growers to have a positive experience. good luck sir and hope you don't mind if I throw in the odd suggestion---ps give us some details of your soil , fertilisers etc without getting too scientific, a good grow sometimes hinges of these basic things and there are ways of using the right soil etc without spending a fortune.

Thanks so much for the advise and i will do just that.

I know most newb growers have problems with overwatering, i personally wont follow that route as i dont like to water them alot (remember my mom killed my first grow with watering because i wasnt home to do it and monitor things myself.

if there are typo's sorry, im typing from my lolwii u as my laptop is down and my replacement is otw so i have some small limitations.

as for my dirt, i originally went miracle grow, as my gf was the one who bought the dirt. its odd and i hear ppl are having issues with it because of how it doesnt dry out properly, so i went and got a bunch of perlite to mix with all my soils until i was happy with how things drained. I will post pics of the dirts i use and the nutes contained in the dirt and the big bloom i have for flowering stage.

ive done quite a bit of research and i have my gf helping me research things as well too when time allows.

I appreciate all comments and suggestions and will take them under advisement as well as ill do my own research based off anyones comments to confirm or deny the material they provide me. ugh i have to be to work soon so im going to try to get these pics uploaded... now if only i had the app for iphone... would be much easier to import my pics.
Stating the obvious, have you figured out a way to grow regular seeds and autoflowering plants under the same light ?

Ah yes the timing section!

Growing a autoflower and other seeds / flowers seem to be able to coexist easily depending on how you start them.

I started my bag seeds about a week before my nirvana shippment arrived.

I (think) i have correctly deduced the fact that you can keep bag / normal seeds in veg state under 18/6, seeing as autoflowering plants do NOT req a tight schedule i figured (and it has been confirmed by nirvana growers) that if you keep an autoflowering plant under 18/6 forever it will grow and flower on its own, as its flowering genetics are just that.. built in based on the age of the plant not its lighting schedule.

I hope this helps out.

I am still waiting on my Blue Mystic sed to peek out from the huge pot.

I also want to mention that i will be doing my own party cup challenge as a test for the bag seeds.

My lights will be upgraded as time and money allows (spring break is this week for my college and my bday is at the end of the month so im being hopeful.
Gonna post pics from the phone since i figured out how. ill post pics of the dirt nutes etc tonight after work.

Didn't realise it was spring forward time and all my clocks are wrong so now i only have 15 mins till im due to work.. ugh!!! FMML lol
So i was researching a bit of things and ive noticed that some people are talking about lanky plants and how to save seedlings from dying due to stress and skinny stems.

Its a simple sticky in this thread too about replanting your plants and lowering your lights.

The first thing i thought was " oh fuck i cant exactly move my light lower as it is mounted to a bar in the closet, so i was like oh shi bro i haz idea, lets raise the plants like their stems do so they can get light.

Seeing as ive been living here since oct but never fully moved in i figured id use some of these empty boxes and crap around the apt to simulate the plants stretching up for light.

Now for the bad news. We replanted them sunday. all went find however minion #1 was minorly damaged. i think its bc i left a CFL light too close to it while i was at work. it has a slitght yellowing on one of the leaves.. this could be nute burn (from whats in the perlite / soil, no im not feeding nutes yet) but either way i am keeping a close eye on this.

Also i am dreading putting princess blue into this big ass pot. lifting that pot so i could make the light better really sucked as its heavy and i can only imagine what its gonna be like to have to replant this one when the stem becomes stretchy.. ive tried to lower the lights so that it doesnt happy to my auto flower but if it does i will replant it.

I basically gave them a little water on sunday so i figure im waiting till at least friday before i try to repot anything as i want the soil to be nice and dry other wise it might be too much of a pain.

comments appreciated! pics of nutes + dirt + other stuff will be posted in the next update.
Im a bit fammished after all the work i did on the grow area so im going to enjoy my first day of spring break by vaping some good green (orange fire) and then im going to relax a bit.

Updates will be here soon. And more good news, the replacement laptop arrived so once my gf brings it to me i will no longer be posting my grow journals from THE WII U.

God this game console makes me mad lol.
Nice grow you have going.

Just a tip,Try sprouting auto flowers in big pots so you don't have to transplant them. Auto flower plants finish much faster than normal plants,so when they are moved around,the transplant stress holds them back drastically. Your overall yield will be better if autoflowers start in a big pot.

Or you can simply cut the bottom of the cup off and plant it in a big pot and the roots will grow downward from the cup into the new soil below. Your can find lots of info if you search transplanting autoflower strains
Nice grow you have going.

Just a tip,Try sprouting auto flowers in big pots so you don't have to transplant them. Auto flower plants finish much faster than normal plants,so when they are moved around,the transplant stress holds them back drastically. Your overall yield will be better if autoflowers start in a big pot.

Or you can simply cut the bottom of the cup off and plant it in a big pot and the roots will grow downward from the cup into the new soil below. Your can find lots of info if you search transplanting autoflower strains

Yea way ahead of you. The ones that are in cups / the blue squares are bag seeds. The auto flower is in the giant grey pot you see on the ground.

I figured out that all I had to do to bury the stem of my auto flower was ADD MORE DIRT (LMFAO too fucking easy. I was so out of it early)
And that's funny about your wii. I used to check rollitup from my xbox 360 and had loads of trouble.

Lol yeah this.. I couldn't even get on here with the PS4 / ps3 (their browsers are ASS) I was on here via my iphone / wii u, but now im back on my mac since my gf brought the replacement here and Ill be sending out my other one to be repaired so all is good :D and now i can import my pics off iphone with little effort.
Here are some pics of the newness plus everything ive been neglecting to include.

One thing i've noticed is a second plant aka minion #2 is having some yellowing of one of the fan leaves.

Im worried about it dying and im not sure WHY the leaves are turning yellow. maybe im not watering enough? I try to be a tad stingy as noob growers tend to overwater.

I usually make them wait for about 3 days for water. (normally is just 2.5 days imo.) for example I watered Sunday, so obviously I watered again today. Am i taking too long in between waterings is what i want to ask.

Im going to post pics of the one plants leaves before i go to bed so maybe someone will give me a clue. I dont want the plant to die before i know if its a male or not. if its a male ill be happy to HULK SMASH it.


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So this is the yellowing of the fan leaves i mentioned before.

I read somewhere that it maybe because of "hot soil" and how there might not be enough air flow in said pot. if this is the case im going to drop some $ on dirt and put them in a bucket or something... it makes me sad that only the two plants in the blue square containers are having this issue.

All of my other plants are fine :-s


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