Nirvana Snow White Area 51 xgs 190 first LED grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, first grow 3 x 3 tent under single xgs 190. These popped thru 3 days ago and are they stretching too much too soon? I have light 27 inches from canopy, started 30 inches above canopy when noticed quick vertical growing. Tent has been high 70's to as high as 84 degrees during the day. Mostly 80 to 82 degrees. Watering twice a day because of low humidity during daytime. We had a heat wave here so house temps did climb but cooler weather coming. Only one light switch on 100 watts. (Recommended). Foxfarms ocean forest, 4" inline fan with passive intake and small fan which both are running 24 hrs. Any help appreciated.image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
They are a little stretchy but I would not worry unless they start flopping over, in which case prop em up with a toothpick or name tag stick etc, maybe drop the light a lil bit.. then when you go to transplant just bury the stem a lil bit to give her some support. It will start to grow roots out of the part of the stem that is buried so you are doing your plant a solid. Looks good so far, good luck grower.


Well-Known Member
It's an led you should be able to get the light more like 12" over the plants.

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Well-Known Member
It looks to me like your light is way too high so they're stretching towards it.

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Well-Known Member
I went with the recommended height from Area 51 but in this case it needs to be lower. Plus I filled the cups to the top with more soil so I'll keep an eye on this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah do not get closer than 16 at most or you might start seeing adverse effects in growth, seedling can not take that much light right away, better a little stretch than leafs burnt to a crisp from par burn.


Well-Known Member
Area 51 for the xgs 190, for seedlings 30" above canopy and 20" for veg. I dropped the light to 25" and the stretching has seemed to stop. I also moved my small fan down lower and the seedlings are slightly moving from the breeze. image.jpg image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
2 almost a week old with other 2 a day later. Transplanted yesterday into 3 gallon smart pots. Light lowered to 20" above canopy and they're doing great. No stress noted from transplant after 24 hrs.image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Thanks for stopping by, day two after transplant and no stress noted. Very happy with how things are going so far. I go to work and when I get home I can really notice how much they've grown. Second set of leaves coming along. I've only grown outside and that was a long time ago, mid 80's but had good results. This all new to me but I've been really trying to learn. I'm a prop 215 rec holder but quickly realized collective prices are too high so here I am. They do have some seriously dank weed though! This way is better, more fun.


Well-Known Member
looking good. I'm subbed.

I did snow white over 10 years ago. In hydro with hps though. Nice yielder. Did not turn out blue like nirvana pics. Still a good strain. I only got 1 female out of 10. So it will be nice to see other phenos on your thread.


Well-Known Member
Welcome hyroot, was looking at your threads, nice work. I went with feminized seeds so hopefully they are. Maybe one blue pheno with white frost would be cool. The main reason I went with Snow White was it being on sale. It also seemed like a under the radar strain that a lot of people like. Being new at this you guys can see I'm going pretty basic with this. Ride along and we'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Greetings to all who pass through here. I'll hit the 2 week mark next Tuesday and things are still looking good. With Foxfarms ocean forest soil, how long before I should start nutes?. I heard anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks. I keep looking at General hydroponics go box but I'm looking at others. Also since transplant the soil seemed to stay wet enough for 3 days before I watered again. For a first grow with this setup I'm happy with the start.image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sup rob, things are looking good in there so far. I used to run Ocean forest before I switched to roots soil and I would usually wait atleast 2 weeks after transplant to start feeding and I would not see burn. I started using their seed starter mix light warrior because I would get burn sometimes transplanting directly into ocean forest from seedling.
I have never used the GO box but a buddy of mine did. He had some def. in late flowering but that was because he ran a low ppm trying to be cautious with his first grow, if you go organic do not be shy with the nutes. If I were you though and organic was not a big concern I would just grab the fox farm trio and solubles if you can. They do a solid job and are easy to understand as far as feeding goes for someone who is just starting out. I would wait a min. of 3 days before watering as well under LED, I have not watered my lil gals going on 4 days, will get watered tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up on fox farm trio. That's the one I was leaning towards in the beginning. The soil under led doesn't dry out real fast. Though I'm doing soil for now, I want to switch to hydro later on. I'm reading up on all you guys that do hydro and it seems a lot better. Even after 3 days when I felt the soil it still felt slightly moist so I'll let it go another day and recheck.


Well-Known Member
Day 12 and things are looking good. I know this light by itself may not be enough for max yield in this tent for flower but I can't afford another light till at least after summer. I'm sticking with Area 51 as this light runs quiet and efficient. Temps and humidity have been great. image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good, grower. I'm subbed.

I have one on order to add to my tent, looking forward to seeing how you do with your brood.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by, I'm at the 2 week mark and things are still looking good. How about the dyna gro nutes? I've paid so many bills lately and I may have to go cheaper on the nutes. Also I'm thinking what to do with these plants when it comes time, 4 plants under just one light is pushing it. At what height to top em probably fim style. I do want to try a scrog but maybe not this time. Still trying to decide.image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg