Nirvana's PPP Fem & Bubblelicious AF w/ 250 watt MH/HPS


Active Member
So I just planted 2 seeds of each this past Saturday which was May 25th. They are planted into 5 gallon pots with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil using rocks for drainage in the bottoms. Also note that I did add perlite to the soil as well. They are all under 24/0 light schedule using the Metal Halide, but I will be switching to 18/6 light schedule once they germinate and grow a few days. Will not be fertilizing at all for the first 30 days and then will use MG Bloom Booster after since that seemed to work great on my last grow. No pictures as of yet, but will start adding them once the seeds pop and they start to grow. My last grow, which was Nirvana's Northern Lights turned out excellent and I am expecting even better results with this grow!!