Nitro boost vs cal/mag N ratio


Well-Known Member
I run house n gardens.
Their nitrogen booster is 1.6-0-0 feed 1-4 ml/gal
I also use cal/mag 2-0-0 feed 2-4 ml/gal.
The nitro boost is 75 bucks a liter, the cal/mag is 35 a gallon.
Can I just use a bit more cal/mag and cut out the nitro boost?
Seems weed loves calcium anyway
No the calmag is 35 a gallon, the nitro boost is 75 a liter.
I wish instead of NPK ratios we could get mg/gal. Kinda like a medication, we would know how many milligrams of whatever fertilizer we are getting, instead of a ratio that compares one fertilizer to another. Seems like that would be more precise
They charge 75$ a liter for the Nitrogen boost? If you're also using cal-mag I would just buy calcium nitrate and eliminate them both..
No the calmag is 35 a gallon, the nitro boost is 75 a liter.
I wish instead of NPK ratios we could get mg/gal. Kinda like a medication, we would know how many milligrams of whatever fertilizer we are getting, instead of a ratio that compares one fertilizer to another. Seems like that would be more precise
Thats what hydrobuddy is for, look it up and download it, play around with it, its what I use to make my own fert mix from scratch