Nitrogen Def 2 Weeks into flower. what to do? Plz Help (Pics)


Active Member
My Baby girl is 5 weeks old Started flowering at 3 Pistals everywhere Some are Pink :) (what does that mean?) But any way there is a Nitrogen Def in my lower leaves the big ones that catch the sun. What to do? I know you arent suppose to use to much nitrogen during flowering. Plz Help thanks



Active Member
I had problem like that to my soils ph was to high and it locked out nutes and still is a bit...But I got rid of the the def by feeding it through the leafs by spraying it with water and nute mix after the lights went off and before they turned on.

It took a few days but the plants are looking great now:weed:...try it out. But I would still try and find out why its locking out nutes, giver a good flush maybe



Active Member
my Ph is 6.8 Plz hlp

Your water that you mix is 6.8?? When you water them next time catch the run off water and see what its PH is, that will give you an idea of what your soil PH is cause at this point thats what matters. I mix my water for soil at 6.3-6.4

Have you tried the foliar feeding?.. That will help alot for the time being


Well-Known Member
When you switch to flowering nutes, that usually happens due to less "N" in the mix. In the future, give one or two more nute feedings after you switch the lights. Some ppl even slip in a grow nute feed 1/2 way thru flower.

I just give grow nutes for the first week of flower and bloom nutes the rest of the way thru. I really dont care about yellowing leaves at that point...Just BIG ASS BUDS :hump:

:peace: out
:joint: ~Boneman


Well-Known Member
When you switch to flowering nutes, that usually happens due to less "N" in the mix. In the future, give one or two more nute feedings after you switch the lights. Some ppl even slip in a grow nute feed 1/2 way thru flower.

I just give grow nutes for the first week of flower and bloom nutes the rest of the way thru. I really dont care about yellowing leaves at that point...Just BIG ASS BUDS :hump:

:peace: out
:joint: ~Boneman

Yellowing leaves 1 or 2 weeks into flower that isn't addressed is going to mean no BIG ASS BUDS in the end. By the time you get to week 5 or 6 you may not have any leaves left.

Follow the feeding schedule from Fox Farms as their nutrients do not contain sufficient levels of N without the use of Grow Big for weeks 3 and 4.


Active Member
Add 1/2 GrowBig to your feedings for 2 weeks. During week 3 and 4. As it says to do on the feeding schedule.

Hey guys what happens if his soil is locking out all these nutes your telling him to dump in???? well the soil is going to go toxic real fast.......maybe your not using enuff nutes or you have a lock out prob you neeed to find out what it is first before adding more nutes! I made this noob mistake a couple times and I had soil that was so toxic you could strip paint with it LOL......find out what the prob is before you try and fix it:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what happens if his soil is locking out all these nutes your telling him to dump in???? well the soil is going to go toxic real fast.......maybe your not using enuff nutes or you have a lock out prob you neeed to find out what it is first before adding more nutes! I made this noob mistake a couple times and I had soil that was so toxic you could strip paint with it LOL......find out what the prob is before you try and fix it:bigjoint:
Nah, just need to add the N for flowering. He's only 5 weeks into this grow. He's only using 3/4 strength nutes. Since the plants don't look burned I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's been on nutes less than 3 weeks, probably only 2. Anyway, my advice, add Grow Big if you show an N deficiency. PH lockout would present as multiple symptoms and all kinds of crazyness. The most likely problem here is the N defeciency that can easily be rectified by adding some N.


Active Member
Thanks your completely right only been on nutes 2 weeks now Will add a lil nitrogen Thanks. What do Pink PIstals Mean?


Well-Known Member
Add 1/2 GrowBig to your feedings for 2 weeks. During week 3 and 4. As it says to do on the feeding schedule.
this person is smart. or just add some veg ferts for a couple doses. they will be fine. also yellowing of the lower leaves is normal. good luck