Nitrogen Def, overheat or fast hydro growth?? New grower


Hi. I'm having a curling leaf problem and slight greening of leaves. I'm using 2 Hydrofarm 8" vented hoods with Hilux Gro 600 MH 11" from tallest plant
Temp shows 81 degrees at plants and im pulln air thats around 65 degrees. 1/2 nutes using gro aqua and ultimate thrive. PH 5.6-6.0. 55% Hum. Just wondering like i said in the title. If it might be fast growth or nitrogen def or heat prob. i cant feel any uncomfortable heat on my hand even next to the glass. New grower really loving this. Also plants are 14 days old, started with 3" clones. only air circulation is my fan pulln from inside tent from air outside. I ckd the sticky about defencies first but no pics, sry if i piss anyone off:(



Active Member
I was hoping this was a poll, but my vote is deficiency. Not sure if it is nitrogen or not. I usually perform a mild foliar feed for such instances. Sometimes I will watch the color change, or periodically check on that bitch like i got nothing better to do. But yeah, maintaining a periodic light foliar feed program up until flowering usually keeps the ball rolling smoothly for me.

This again is just my humble opinion. But i'd say keep with the 1/2 dose nutrient feed your using, and supplement with like a 1/8th dose foliar spray. Something like taking a spray bottle, filling it a quarter way up with a batch of your nute solute, and spraying it once a week. Then spray with water in between foliar feeds.

Edit: Ok, because of I have no idea. I just love this link and wish people would share more like it with me and positive kharma, blah blab blab


Active Member
Lightly yellow leaves look fine; maybe a tad def in nitrogen, but so young, give em time before you up much. I notice the nute burn on the lower leaves, and they are dark as hell. Im thinkin that even if you do go a tad nitro def, the lower leaves will support. If you're close to flowering, I wouldnt make any drastic changes until then.

The upcurl on the leaves happens to me from time to time. I call it sawtooth. I think its VERY closely related to light intensity. I keep my canopy temps below 80, a greaet breeze, and sometimes a strain just does that. In fact, my fav grow (acapulco gold) is doing that right now. Prolly cuz I got a light mover and its a 1000w, 10" above gals. Even tho the temps are okay, the intensity while under the mover, makes em curl. Maybe its the plants way of drinking more in efforts to keep the fan leaves cooler. In any event, it doesnt hurt em much, and lessens the shading of the lower nugs a little. Just my 2cents. Happy growing:leaf:

O' btw: Never foliar fed a plant in my life.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
They look like they might need a little Iron. Even if they do, there's also another problem causing those crispy leaf edges. They look somewhat like Phosphorus deficiency in flowering.


Thx for info guys. I think i had overwatering a week into veg, and then fixed that problem should i add some nutes now or wait till i flower around tomorrowish with the flowering nutes. U think running half nutes is what prolly vaused it? Thx for fast replys


Well-Known Member
They look like they might need a little Iron. Even if they do, there's also another problem causing those crispy leaf edges. They look somewhat like Phosphorus deficiency in flowering.

I agree with that, on both cases. Make sure you add something with plenty of iron,(along with your normal nutes) and that should take care of it.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I'll be the third to suggest iron deficiency. Maybe with a touch of Zinc.

Nothing crazy bad, they will respond well to Cal-Mag Plus or another iron rich micro-nutrient.


Hey guys added the iron but looks like it getting a little worse with the leaf curling, i read copper def. It sounds like it, ckd my nutes and none have copper. What u think?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
What did you use as an iron supplement? Also, it might take 2-3 days to see any real improvement. You'll need to pay attention to the new growth.

You may have dumped in too much shit too fast at this point. If the leaf tips are getting bad then you've got salt build up and nutrient burn.

Drop some pictures and more details and we'll fill you in on the next step.


What are you using to test your PH with?? Digital meter or liquid drops??

The nutes your using are a little weird.

The Gro Aqua is (17-7-15)
The Ultimate Thrive is (4-0-2)

So your putting in a 21-7-17 mixture. That mixture is definitely lacking in phosphorus. It looks like its lacking in Iron, but Iron is only a Micro nutrient. It doesnt take much of it. Instead of mixing and matching chemical's, you should just switch to some better stuff. To keep it simple, just get the 3 part General Hydro nutes. People talk trash on GH and say there for nubies, but the facts are that stuff works and works well.

And dont waste your time on copper. If you want copper, just use some tap water. Your plant hardly even touches copper and usually wont even show signs if its not getting any.