Nitrogen deficiency? probably....!PIC!(s)

john kim

16 days from sprout
pure blend pro grow 1/2 tsp
liquid karma 1/2 tsp
cal mag plus 1/2 tsp
sillica blast 1/2 tsp
hygrozyme 1/2 tsp
superthrive 1/4tsp
ph'd tap water
1 watering every 2 days
iv been giving them a light dose of nutrients about 4 days ago
they started pickin up the pace but i think i may need to up the dose?
first true leaves starting to turn yellow and deathly
new growth looks green and nice
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Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking more along the lines of heat damage and/or over-watering, but I honestly could be way off. Young plants are hit and miss sometimes. Hard to say for certain. Sorry I can't be of more help...

steve yo

yeah dude thats not a nutrient deficiency, your cotyledons are yellow and your 1st stages are yellow, but from the pics it looks like 2nd and 3rd are healthy. Try giving them 18/6 and some lite LIQUID nutrients for another 2 weeks. only nute once or twice in those 2 weeks though.

Oh and for watering, don't pour a little water in them every few days. put them in your bathtub and SOAK them heavily and let them drain. you only need to water sparingly if you do this. and your plants will utilize more of the available soil.