Hi guys, I've just watered and noticed the bottom 2 fan leaves are yellow, one has wilted already, I'm in week 3 of 12/12, I know I'll get some yellowing but is this too early??
i give them the same feed for the first three weeks of flower that i do for veg, and that seems to help with that, and i never quit feeding N, but i do go from basically 5-4-4 to 2-5-5 when they stop stretching.
i wouldn't worry too much about that unless it starts to spread. maybe bump up the N just a little
Yeah I was thinking to do that but I don't wanna over do it with the nutes, I'll wait a couple days and see how she is and then add some more N if she gets worse
look up "mobile and immobile nutrients in cannabis"...lower leaves yellowing is usually a mobile nutrient deficiency, which is almost always N with those symptoms. if it stops, fine, if it doesn't stop, add some N