Nitrogen During Flower


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else find that Fox Farm Ocean Forest lacks nitrogen?

Every time I grow in soil, right around anywhere from week 2 to week 5 I start to get severely yellowing leafs. Like I SHOULD be seeing at the very end of flowering. I always end up with new growth up at the top, and naked branches down below half way through my grow!

I know I can add some N, but my feeding schedule suggests waiting until week 5 or so.


Well-Known Member
Well fuck your feeding schedule (no offense or anything)... cause your plants are clearly telling you they want something... but to be sure as to what... pictures... water PH, what you are feeding them, how often, temps, these are all part of the mystery... please put more info up and you'll get some clear answers :)

Edit: also week 2 to week 5?? thats kind of a broad time frame?? what types of plants are you flowering??


Active Member
if you put any brand of soil into a pot and only water it, it's gonna lose nutrients over time. Advanced nutrients makes a spray that helps n def.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Listen to your plants more than you listen to your bottles. Especially if your bottles come from fox farms


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I'll just add the N then. I guess it depends on how long I veg them, for how long the nutrients in the soil will last (makes sense).


Well-Known Member
All answers are right...also, the nutrients uptake will be strain specific so knowing your strain and how the deficiencies will manifest themselves is very important. Don't trust the labels...those are just guidelines as some plants can handle more and some less. Good luck!


Active Member
one of mine were about a month in and started dropping leaves and getting really pale so i added some N. its doing well now. plant needs N throughout its entire life cycle.. just likes the ratio of P and K to be a little higher during flower. if you were to cut out N completely during flowering.. your plant would suffer big time. like everyone here has said.. listen to your plant. theyll tell you exactly what they want.