Yeah, there are household things you can use for fert, but I'd say it's time to buy some cheap fert from the store. You're going to run into trouble if you're trying to do an entire grow without ferts, especially if you have no experience.
Sounds a little unusual that you have a nitrogen and iron deficiency at the same time, so that makes me think it's something like PH, causing nutelock. We'd need more info to be able to help you diagnose, so fill us in if you want a second opinion.
The rusty water will add iron to the soil, but will take awhile for it to work because it isn't 'chelated'(a form readily available to the plant). Also, you can use diluted piss for a nitrogen boost,lol but i can't remember the mixing ratios. Lots of other stuff too, so hopefully somebody will come and fill you in better.