Nitrogen Problem???? PICS INCLUDED

Hi Everyone,
Strain-Fem. AK-48
Medium-Grodan Cubes with Hydroton
Hydro Fogponic Nutramist System
Fox Farm Nutes
RO Water
Lights-MH 1 1/2 ft away with fan blowing between plants and light
PH runs between 5.8 and 6.8

Now i don't know if this is a nitrogen def. or toxicity as im new to growing, i did alot of research and i read the yellowing is a def. and everything points to def. except the roots and the roots look like they are shriveled up and dead and barely any roots are showing and it's like they are just drying up and shriveling and i read this is a condition of toxicity but everything on the top looks like def. So are the roots a problem of def. aswell and they are getting purplish/brownish spots on the lower leaves and by the way the yellowing is on the lower leaves aswell. So does anyone what my problem is and can some one please help me cause i don't know if it a nitrogen def or tox. or an overfert problem or def, i just don't know and need help




Active Member
They look hungry, How much are you feeding them? If its an acceptable ammount the your PH is causing nutrient lockout, 6.8 is extremly high for hydroton. Keep your PH a steady 5.8-5.9 (6.0 absolute limit) If your PH is raising by its self when you set your tank up set it at a PH of 5.5 and let it raise to 5.9-6 befor lowering.


Well-Known Member
your roots are dying, it looks like a def because the roots are dying/damaged and cant properly uptake what it needs. they might not be saveable depending on how bad the roots are dying.
I think i found what the problem is, I think it's the fogger im using, i read that foggers will do the exact symptoms im having and are only good for clones and young plants so im going to switch to the classic pump and sprayer system which i seem to have good luck with last time. Another question i was hoping you guys could help me with is it ok to use tap water if i let it air out



Well-Known Member
This is what is wrong with this site. Too many inexperienced want to be growers throwing out bad advise.

Caregivers wins! Cal/mag and that is it!


Well-Known Member
This is what is wrong with this site. Too many inexperienced want to be growers throwing out bad advise.

Caregivers wins! Cal/mag and that is it!
Whinner.... All advice helps, that's what is nice about this site. Most of us can't just ask a neighbor or someone with more experience about problems with our gardens so we are left with a common trust in our fellow anonymous internet growers to help us learn and get the experience we need for ourselves and hopefully in return help others in need.

Anyways, CalMag it up!! looks like a Mag deficiency to me with the spotting. Also, maybe try foliar feeding until the roots look better.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your advise, i will add some cal/mag and see if they perk up.
You can also use epsom salt for mag. def. I would start w/ 1tsp. per gallon. I add more than 1T. to some plants at certain stages. The need for mag. lessens after about week 3 of flowering. Remember though, with r/o water you always have to replace mag. that is drawn out by filter process. IMO cal/mag products are not worth the $$$$. Especially if your running through a lot of nutes. The shit gets pricey. Some food for thought.

Good Luck LBS.