
Hey guys,

I'm attaching some pics of my plant (white widow). I'm not sure what to think about the leaves. I thought that an N def. starts at the leaf tips and works in, but it seems that this is just yellowing in random spots. The plant is about 4 weeks old now. Didn't use ferts until 2.5 wks and only 1/2 strength for the first feeding. Water 4 days later. Ferts 3 days later at full strength. Water 5 days later. 3/4 strength ferts today. Under a 430 W Son Agro about 2' away from the plants with a fan just over the plants. temps around 78-82F, humidity ~50%, window is open (and has a window fan) and ceiling fan blows all day.

I'm getting nervous because the new leaves on the bottom of the plant are coming in yellow/dead. The top leaves look fine. I was hoping to start taking clippings in about 4 weeks, but if these lower branches come in dead that's probably gonna delay things. Should I cut those ones off or leave them?




Well-Known Member
Nitro sounds good as the def. the leafs are transparering mor ewater then they take in, leaf curls. may want to mist a little or move the light up a little.