No bush?


Well-Known Member
I have seven plants going since January,four different strians.They are all flowering but not a one has bushed out.Is there something I was suppossed to do or is it in the genetics?I topped My jock horror to atleast split up top.Starting four more including a blue mystic and wanna see bush this time.


Well-Known Member
I used FF nutes all the way through the grow as recomended and maybe a lilttle stronger.they are all 2 1/ to 3 feet.nice looking but wondering what it will yeild.


Well-Known Member
were gonna need some pics to tell how theyre doing. usually if theyre stretching up it means the light is too far away


Well-Known Member
were gonna need some pics to tell how theyre doing. usually if theyre stretching up it means the light is too far away
each of these are different strains,the one with the paper behind is the Jock Horror and the others are reggie,all started around January 10th.So,any ideas on what happened would really help!!!!



Well-Known Member
looks like its in a little shade. might be not enough light, so it gets a little stretched to reach for it, but ive seen worse. to me it looks like it might just be the strain, but im no expert


Well-Known Member
were gonna need some pics to tell how theyre doing. usually if theyre stretching up it means the light is too far away
I don't know how the light could be the problem since its the sun.I had the Jock inside for a few months but became to obvious,so its been out for three months


Well-Known Member
I don't know how the light could be the problem since its the sun.I had the Jock inside for a few months but became to obvious,so its been out for three months
light can be a problem because of shade. if the plant sees that there is light, but not much of it(because of shade), they will stretch to try to get out of that shade or find a place in the sun. it will grow in shade, but they can stretch or not grow very much. depends on the situation really. wait for someone else to reply with advice also cuz like i said, im no expert =P


Well-Known Member
thanx very valued info about the shade,not much I can do with the ones in ground.the rest are on a table getting light almost all day.Anyone know if its too late to see the kinda growth i'm looking for?And what can I do differtntly next time?Got a start on a hydro setup for six sprouts that are started last week and want to get it right.


Well-Known Member
Tie them down and top them till you get four or more main heads sprouting up. Coat hangers (metal ones) can be snipped and bent into "U" shaped hooks to tie your plants down. Cannabis is not a bush so it must be trained to become one. Most will look like a christmas tree un-topped and untied. The more light the better too. Good Luck man


Active Member
Bushing out is someththing it would do in veg. rather than when it is flowering. IT is a bad time of year to be flowering outside and these plants might get confused and try to revegetate. After a month and half of leaves slowly growing in circles the plants will probably start to bush out, but the growth may be stunted for a while. You could harvest some of the buds but leave a few remaining.