no clue!


Active Member
IMG-20120513-00232.jpgIMG-20120513-00231.jpgIMG-20120513-00230.jpgIMG-20120512-00227.jpgPlease let me know, just happened a couple days ago, just watered it last night (only water). Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
What kind of lights are you using? how close are they to the plants? what are the room temps? Looks like you could use a little epsom salt also...Mag you have a fan moving the air around the plants?


Well-Known Member
well with the very minimal amount of info you've given us, just looks like a leaf being consumed from the bottom for nutrients and energy


Active Member
been using cfl's...the temp is 72, the light's aren't that close and if the leaf is being consumed of energy can i cut off the leafs or will it turn back green?