No direct sun for a few weeks???


We have hit June gloom here in beautiful Orange County....what this mean is that it doesn't get clear until about 2-3 in the afternoon (if that) and by then my plants are out of it's path.

I've got a clone that is good size doing well, and 3 seedlings I planted 1.5 weeks ago (I know, I got a real late start)

CLone is Afghan, and not sure about the seeds, they are a variety i've collected over the years and just germinated 3 to see what comes out of them ( i was REALLY surprised last year).

I've dealt w/ this gloom before and had success, but I had planted 1-2 months earlier (and even then I got less sun, plant usually got 3-4 hours a day then and did GREAT somehow).

What do you guys recommend? Any ferts, etc to help speed up growth for when flowering time comes around?

Will they be alright w/ this much overcast skies?


Well-Known Member
Naw bro you'll be more than fine, as long as there isn't shade from a tree or something you'll be good. Think spending the day out in overcast weather... if your pasty white, you'll still get a burn, those ladies will be fine! :peace:


Active Member
Naw bro you'll be more than fine, as long as there isn't shade from a tree or something you'll be good. Think spending the day out in overcast weather... if your pasty white, you'll still get a burn, those ladies will be fine! :peace:
Im also in oc and have this same question. i have 4 clones that just got put outside yesterday. the next few days its gonna be in the 60s here. do you think maybe a small propane heater might be a good idea to keep the temp around the clones slightly warmer?


Active Member
i have an outdoor and i too and i live up in santa clarita, its june gloom here too and my plants still growin good as ever, sunlight is different than indoor lights, the uv rays penetrate the clouds like nothin, just cuz its not bright doesnt mean your plants arent getting the light (:


Well-Known Member
my plants get about 5-6hours of sun light a day, new england. never above 65-70 and been shitty for the past few weeks but they growing fine