No Exhaust or Intake? just a/c.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I was just wondering if their is anybody out their that doesnt run exhaust or intake vents? i was pondering this question? and wondering if just a portable a/c unit will work just fine? I guess as long as you temps and humidity are maintained everything should be fine right? A lot less chance of getting any bugs in their too. I constanstly check my girls so i am not worried about fresh air i check my room minimum of 6-7 a day.


Well-Known Member
you need an exhaust for the portable ac and you might want to enhance co2 even though you'll be in the room often.


Well-Known Member
I'm runnin with just two fans and an ac. The ac was fine, kept the temps down between 75 and 80, but if u don't exhaust the ac out the window or somewhere else it'll heat up from the backside of the ac which blows hot air


Well-Known Member
I think your asking for problems with no fresh air. It is one of those essential things. Though now I think about it the plant does create it's own fresh air. Maybe it will work but I'll never try it.


Well-Known Member
Me entering the room in upwards of 10 times daily is all the fresh air they need. I can install a fan its actually easy to do for me, i am just pondering having a sealed enviroment. As far as CO2 goes i'm just keeping it small enough to produce some very smoke for myself but i do like experiments and i would be kinda interested to see the difference!


Well-Known Member
I use a 7000 btu portable AC/Dehumidifier, It comes with ducting to blow all that hot air out the window or sliding door.

The ac can pump out a Lot of hot air on max setting, and keeps enough negative pressure in my grow room for a passive intake, I just keep a window open in my living room at all times to keep fresh air flowing.

It can and will work, and in any situation C02 will increase yields and shorten flowering times.

Good luck