No growth after 4 weeks of veg


Active Member
Hey guys,

Need some help. My plants aren't growing!! I'm at the stage now where I'm thinking about taking them out and starting again. Can't figure this out and can't afford to wait another few weeks as I won't be around to finish them.

Here's some info from what's been happening so far

I have 2 sets of Incredible Bulk growing in a 2.4m x 2.4m tent. 4 in soil and 8 in IWS flood and drain system.

All 12 were started in the same propagator and got transplanted into 1" root root cubes. After 2 or 3 days they were all moved to pots.

4 IBs went into 18L pots with BioBizz All mix soil under a T5 light

8 IBs went into 9L Aqua pots with Gold label 80/20 Mix. 80 Clay Pebbles 20 Coco under a T5 light.

Within a few days the soil started to shoot up and they look really healthy. About 6 or 7 sets of leaves and very close nodding.

The IBs in hydro are just not growing. They have 2 set of leaves. At first I thought it was due to the medium having no starting nutes so I gave them 1/4 strength AN connoisseur after 2 weeks. Within a few hours the leaves started to turn a light green / yellow colour so I flushed them. 2 weeks later and they still haven't grown. So I gave them another feed with 1/4 strength, again the leaves are turning light green / yellow colour. I'm assuming it's too much of something.

-Temp: Day 28C - Night 20C
-Humidity: Day 55% - Night 60%
-Water res temp: 21C
-Tap water starting 370ppm - after 1/4 nutes 780ppm
-pH starting off is 7.6, after sitting over night it climbed to 8.4. Adding pH down gets it to 5.5 but it starts to climb again to 6.1
-Air pump with 2 air stones in the res mixing the water so it doesn't stagnate

Both the soil and hydro have them same room conditions. I know the temps are a little high and humidity a little low but the soil IBs are flying it.

What am I doing wrong ? It's my first time using a hydro system so I'm sure there is something wrong but I can't see it.