No more CC at Sannieshop


Well-Known Member
For those who have interest in Sannies seeds, my fav of them all, Sannie announced today that he is no longer of the ability to accept CC payments.
And that kinda sucks.
I really depend on the seedbanks myself and I hope doing business with them doesnt become more and more problematic.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that. wonder why these shops are dropping cc`s, sos did the same and a few others as well.


Well-Known Member
So what you're saying is I should have clicked confirm last night on the huge order I had laid out? Shit.


Well-Known Member
Sannie is posting about selling his seeds to a reseller that's reputable. So there may be other options here. Also people are suggesting he take bitcoin and international money orders, so not all is lost. I trust the guy with my money, I don't trust postal workers.


Well-Known Member
Well, if I'm going to mail cash or money order to anybody, Sannie is high up on that list. I certainly have mailed money away to people I trusted less. It seems like a lot of the seed banks have had issues with credit cards recently. Unfortunate, given that more and more people in the US will be buying seeds these days.


Well-Known Member
Probably not a coincidence. I'm planning on spending a few thousand this year on seed stock to keep in diverse genetics for the rest of my life. Although I will say I'd be ok off if the world ended tomorrow and I had to replant from scratch, one can always do better :).


Well-Known Member
At the expense of sounding negative I have a feeling that if you live in the USA and want some of Sannies genetics, but also want to deal with him directly to get the customer service and stealth he provides, you may want to place an order and send in the cash before he stops shipping to the USA. The reason being is that I can see where this is going. He almost stopped shipping to the USA a couple of years ago b/c people were scamming him and taking advantage of his good nature by saying they never received their seeds, thus convincing Sannie to do a resend. Then came "track and trace."
I have a feeling that one of two things could very well happen. As someone mentioned on opengrow, the postal workers will see lots of envelopes coming into his PO box and start stealing the cash. Also, people will start claiming that they sent in the cash when they really didn't just to try and get some free seeds. Even one person calling him out, calling him names and creating a problem for him is probably enough to piss him off and Sannie will get sick of the BS and just stop shipping to the USA. He's made the threats before about dropping the USA and I just don't see the cash in the envelope option working for very long. Some stoner could also just forget to put the cash in the envelope and then start with the name calling, etc. and that will be it. As many of you know Sannie is sensitive, he's helpfull in that he'll help you with your grow questions, and he doesn't like confrontation. Unlike some resellers, where they just tell you to get lost and then hide behide the fine print on their website.


Active Member
Probably not a coincidence. I'm planning on spending a few thousand this year on seed stock to keep in diverse genetics for the rest of my life. Although I will say I'd be ok off if the world ended tomorrow and I had to replant from scratch, one can always do better :).
you and me both. on everything.


Well-Known Member
As many of you know Sannie is sensitive, he's helpfull in that he'll help you with your grow questions, and he doesn't like confrontation. Unlike some resellers, where they just tell you to get lost and then hide behide the fine print on their website.
Spot on. Sannie is a great guy. Unfortunately I'm sure there is and has been in the past people who take advantage of him. I know I'm really bummed about the situation. I dont even like the idea of a reseller getting involved but Sannies gonna have to do something to keep his business out there. I really can't see him giving up on shipping to the US or he would have already. Pain in the ass that it is, it IS still a money maker for him to some degree.
To be clear for those that didnt see it Sannie didnt stop it voluntarily, rather it was the banks that caught on to something and shut his card down wanting as one poster put it "no link to the Canna action"
Sad day indeed.


Well-Known Member
i have 3-4 more heirloom or landrace left to acquire for my collection and i'm through buying beans. i have enough to last multiple lifetimes.


Well-Known Member
He might make their gear available at Hemp Depot. He asked at overgrow for suggestions and several people said hemp depot. Sannie said he knows who they are and has a meeting setup with them. cannazon has been suggested too. So most likely we will be able to get it there and I have no problem mailing in the cash an accepting the risk I might not get anything. At least no one has suggested attitude but I doubt he would use them anyway, but who knows.

also this doesn't only effect customers in the United States.... it effects everyone that doesn't live in Europe which must be very bad for business.
Today i got some of the badest news I could get : No more credit card payment possible anymore

It costed me a lot of time and effort to get credit card payments and it worked fine for a while but the union got me and de-activated my account.

This means that most of the country's outside europe will have only one option left when they want to order products and that is by paying cash in a envelope. Within europe we have the possibility to pay through bank transfer.

This is a big smack in the face for me and this will have consequences for my business for sure.

But I learned from the past that the best things are created in chaos, so this is where I think off when thinking to dark

The intention is to get sannie seeds with other shops in the feature because i am obligated to get my seeds outside europe.

This is where i need you open grow dudes for : what is a good and trustworthy vendor that could sell sannie seeds for me ?

greetz sannie
talking about hemp depot...
I have a appointment with them next week, I already do good business with them. They are very legit

Thanks for the kind words and feedback

greetz sannie


Well-Known Member
Fuck, I am still waiting for my shipment to arrive from october 9th and was going to place a follow up order when I knew they would actually get to me. the track n trace on mine doesn't work so I don't know where the hell my package is :(.


Well-Known Member
Fuck, I am still waiting for my shipment to arrive from october 9th and was going to place a follow up order when I knew they would actually get to me. the track n trace on mine doesn't work so I don't know where the hell my package is :(.
I've never had a package from Sannie's take that long, did you double check the address they shipped it to? Since it requires a signature, you might also want to wander down to the post office and see if they happen to be holding any mail for you.