No more pro-mix :(... Bacto? Bonnies? help please


Well-Known Member
Went to check on buying some bulk today at my usual place every spring.
Come to find out they no longer carry pro-mix! All they had were two new types
of bale mixes. One being Bacto compressed 3.8cf for 29 bucks which I have
used before and dont really see a difference in it and promix myself. The other
was compressed bale of bonnies professional mix. Dont remember the price on
this one but I think it was 3.5 cft.

I researched the ingredients in the bacto and its pretty much the same as promix,
but im wondering about the bonnies mix. I cant find any information on it, the guy at
the nursery said the bonnies was new this year and it was really good stuff. Anyone ever
tried it or know the ingredients in it? If you have any info for me id appriciate the feedback
as I need to prepare my holes very soon. Thank you!