oh yeah! terpenes and cannabinoid profiles: you're not healthy if you're on crack!- steroids mess up your system and trash your liver and kidneys, prescription drugs throw your system outta' whack to the point you're on meds for the side effects we all know where this road leads! you can't live on speed without burning out all your systems...where am I going with this? petro-chemical agriculture does the same to the microsphere of biology that isn't just the plant, but the soil, and all the organisms(critical) that need to be left to their work, not killed off due to your irrational bug phobia! I grew up in corn country...they kill the soil to grow fake corn & soybeans...it's a lie that we eat every day! there are processes that need 'clean'(natural) chemical compounds. the quality of these compounds makes ALL the difference in the world. you wanna' flaccid crack whore, or a healthfood yoga queen who runs 10 miles every day?