no one will sell me weed


Active Member
I try to buy weed but people think I'm a cop. How do you get past this? I cant buy it I'll have to grow it. went to a bar tonight looking for a bag, dude says he'll selll me a 1/4 than says no way I'm a cop, he then offers a gram but he still thinks I'm a cop & chickens out. WTF.


Well-Known Member
Then don't go for the clean cut look...
That doesn't seem to be working for you so, so change it.
But don't you have any friends that smoke? or know somebody who knows somebody?


Well-Known Member
when you goto buy, dont look para, dont ask too mant questions, or get a friend to get it for you. if you look dodgey.
you could always goto A.dam. for a smoke . thell sell you it.


Active Member
But I like the clean cut look, I'm a clean cut kinda guy. Besides the fact that that just because I smoke a bowl every now & then it doesn't define me. And no I don't really know anyone in my area, at this point in my life my friends are hundreds of miles away living their lives raising families & shit.

Also your less likely to get harrassed by cops wearing a tweed overcoat & driving a BMW than looking like a stereotypical stoner.

"Not that there is anything wrong with that" Its just that society puts you in a catagory based on your appearance, whatever that happens to be.


Well-Known Member
how old are you. and tell them fuckers next time you go buy week, from a bar ect...
that crazy sent you from


Well-Known Member
no man it must be you, tweed coat. bmw.
ive got a leater coat and a brand new landrover, and i never have any trouble. where you from. o.c/
anywat it always better to grow you own good luck.
what are you planning to grow, and how many, well help you.


Active Member
the only ??'s I ask is what kinda smoke it is & how much, all seemes cool then suddenly it's like now way we think your a cop, get lost.


Active Member
Mid 30's chicago suburbs, local bar few blocks from home full of working class dudes. Can't really blame 'em though noone wants time for selling a few grams.


Active Member
I own my own company. I work with doctors. I even showed them my id, business card & company credit cards to prove I was just a regular guy. Like a cop would go to the trouble of creating an identity to buy a 1/4 bag.

Yea I'll grow my own, just ordered lowryder 2 & am building a grow box but thats at leats 2-3 months away before any will be ready.


Active Member
I'm watching fight club for about the 200th time & drinking a sam adams. Who would you fight? I think I'd fight James Carvell. He looks like a scraper & I like the nick name 'ragin cajin'


Active Member
Gonna use CFL's & LED's keep the temps down & besides I live in a historic home & my electrical is kinda sketchy. I have to keep the watts down or I'll blow fuses.


Well-Known Member
Say bud, I know how ya feel...I moved away, friends in other cities etc....just not cool to mail dope, and not too outgoing enough to go asking strangers in a bar for good smoke, I'm paranoid that way~ Plus the shit that I've gotten ahold of around here is just that..shit! So I've come to the same conclusion.....grow my own, grow it better and let them come to me, Make m $$$$ out the A!!!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Hey Crazy...send him some pee weed! (just kidding) I'm guilty of it too! LOL!! Nitrogen!