No stink.


Active Member
So I have this plant, 2 weeks from harvest, and I have come to notice that when I get my nose right in it, it barely lets off any aroma. It's outdoor, indica, purple and looks great, smokes good and works great (had an accident a week back with a small budsite) Is this normal? I've never seen anything that hasn't smelled a little, but this is ridiculous. Her sister right next to her smells great. Anyone else ever come across this?


Active Member
Depends on what time of day i smell them, sometimes I get notta, but if i go down an hour after lights off, I smell all sorts of stink. Every now and then, I think they have their own coffee pot hidden down there, because I swear I can smell it.....mmmmm coffee, brb.


Well-Known Member
Had the same problem, they would smell in the evening but during the day very little. Well I cut my first today and my drying room is smelling delicious and very strong. I wouldn't worry too much as long as they look healthy, and you cure them after drying I'm sure they'll smell fine. Remember, the girl wearing the most perfume at the prom probably isn't the best fuck :D