Stop listening to your son. Those needed more time. At least let the others finish before you chop them. The hairs will recede into the calyxes more if you let them.Well two got Chopped today.
My Son said their going to do as good as their going to because your light sucks.
Ok talked with the kid. He was going by hairs. I told no go by Tricoms.
I can use my phone and zoom in pretty good and them Buds are cloudy no amber.
I also found out don't pass your woman off before she makes Edibles.
They will either have no medicine or way too much.
I know where I'm setting the rest of the day.
Well two got Chopped today.
My Son said their going to do as good as their going to because your light sucks.
Believe it or not I have bought everything for him. Tents, Lights and Soil.Pounds take time.
GSC isn't a particularly large yielding cultivar either. Tell him to buy better lights and do it himself or mind his damn buissiness.
That's very kind of you, I hope he appreciates all you do for him.Believe it or not I have bought everything for him. Tents, Lights and Soil.
He is also doing repair work using Dads tools because he buys the best.
Sound like my dad. My son is not old enough to call him an idiot yet but he is already an aholeTell your son what I tell my two. You're an idiot
They start young these days. You can't let your gaurd downSound like my dad. My son is not old enough to call him an idiot yet but he is already an ahole