Nobel Laureate Claims SARS-CoV-2 is manmade.


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Coronavirus created in an attempt to find AIDS vaccine, Nobel laureate claims
French virologist and medicine Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier sparked controversy Sunday when he claimed that the virus – officially called SARS-CoV-2 – was not only man-made, but is the result of a Chinese attempt to produce a vaccine against AIDS.

Yori Yalon , Israel Hayom Staff

04-20-2020 10:08

Theories suggesting that the coronavirus was, in fact, man-made and did not originate in bats are not new, but a new argument, suggesting that the Chinese manufactured it in an attempt to find something else is taking the scientific world by storm.

French virologist and medicine Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier sparked controversy Sunday when he claimed that the virus – officially called SARS-CoV-2 – was not only man-made but is the result of a Chinese attempt to produce a vaccine against AIDS.

Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a spectrum of conditions known since 1981. With no known vaccine or cure, it is considered an ongoing global pandemic.

According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, as of 2018, there were approximately 37.9 million people across the globe with HIV/AIDS. Of these, 36.2 million were adults and 1.7 million were children under the age of 15. About 1.7 million individuals worldwide became infected with HIV every year.

According to the Times of India, in an interview with French media, Montagnier alleged that the current global pandemic was the result of an "industrial accident" that took place in the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, which specializes in dealing with coronaviruses.

The term "coronavirus" represents a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. The condition caused by the current pandemic has been dubbed COVID-19, simply standing for "coronavirus disease 2019."

This claim emerged as the US announced it was launching an investigation into reports suggesting a bioengineered virus "leaked" from a Chinese lab.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said last week that, "we're doing a full investigation of everything we can to learn how it is the case that this virus got away, got out into the world and now has created so much tragedy – so much death – here in the US and all around the world."

He said the US knew that the Wuhan lab "contained highly contagious materials."

Montagnier is considered a controversial figure in scientific circles, and at least two of his previous research studies – electromagnetic waves emitted by DNA (DNA teleportation) and on the benefits of papaya in AIDS or Parkinson cure – have been panned by his peers, the Times of India said.

Another French virologist Etienne Simon-Loriere of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, claimed this week that Montagnier's argument "doesn't make sense. These are very small elements that we find in other viruses of the same family, other coronaviruses in nature."

There are multiple theories claiming that COVID-19 originated from genetic manipulation but China has refuted allegations that the coronavirus may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian cited the World Health Organization and other unnamed medical experts as saying that there was no evidence that transmission began from the laboratory and there was "no scientific basis" for such claims.

I believe it was man made, like an agent orange type chemical. Released by the CCP to destroy the USA economy in retaliation for Trumps tariffs on them and to rule the world.
I have read way too many horror stories of how this virus sickens people . It sounds more like a poison or bad 2 week trip then any other sickness I have heard. Read about Brook Baldwin’s experience (cnn news host) and it tells it all.
I believe NYC and NJ had so much of the virus accumulating on the surfaces of the city for a very long time. It just sat around accumulating layer after layer and then it exploded like a time bomb after a while and starting infecting everyone in high doses. The higher The dose the more lethal the virus.
Based on the Nature editorial I posted over a month ago. I agree with this, but I wanted to be the first one to post the French guy claim. He's an antivaxxer who has come out in favor of some homeopathy too. It's funny shit actually. I stumbled on the article when reading about a hospital in israel giving covid patients cannabis.

Also, you just posted 3 articles that are based on the same study and didn't post the study. Have you even read that study?
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I believe it was man made, like an agent orange type chemical. Released by the CCP to destroy the USA economy in retaliation for Trumps tariffs on them and to rule the world.
I have read way too many horror stories of how this virus sickens people . It sounds more like a poison or bad 2 week trip then any other sickness I have heard. Read about Brook Baldwin’s experience (cnn news host) and it tells it all.
I believe NYC and NJ had so much of the virus accumulating on the surfaces of the city for a very long time. It just sat around accumulating layer after layer and then it exploded like a time bomb after a while and starting infecting everyone in high doses. The higher The dose the more lethal the virus.
I read that about viral load too, sounds crazy based on everything I know regarding viral infection which is more than a guy like me should know, but the viral load thing is one of the things about this pandemic that researchers are shocked about. They're saying that's why healthcare workers are getting it worse. I'm not convinced it was manmade though.
Montagnier is considered a controversial figure in scientific circles, and at least two of his previous research studies – electromagnetic waves emitted by DNA (DNA teleportation) and on the benefits of papaya in AIDS or Parkinson cure – have been panned by his peers, the Times of India said.

Another French virologist Etienne Simon-Loriere of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, claimed this week that Montagnier's argument "doesn't make sense. These are very small elements that we find in other viruses of the same family, other coronaviruses in nature."
Enough said, his peers have no faith and he has no evidence, Nobel's don't mean much, evidence does, if the conjecture ( it does not rise to the level of a theory) does not match the data he is wrong, no matter who he is, or was. The genetic studies on sarscov2 have been extensive and the one indian study that briefly floated the idea of manufacture was quickly retracted.
Enough said, his peers have no faith and he has no evidence, Nobel's don't mean much, evidence does, if the conjecture ( it does not rise to the level of a theory) does not match the data he is wrong, no matter who he is, or was. The genetic studies on sarscov2 have been extensive and the one indian study that briefly floated the idea of manufacture was quickly retracted.
This discussion is just getting started. This right here will make it the biggest conspiracy theory in history. He's an antivaxxer who thinks papayas cure Parkinson's. He's going to validate all the shit coming from the lunatic fringe. These people see a conspiracy in everything and he's going to be their guy. They couldn't ask for a better guy than that. Nobel prize, discovered hiv, willing to accept admonishment and banishment by the mainstream. Everything about this will validate everything they believe. He picked up on the retracted study that found the protien segments. The guys that tried to publish that got smoked by the scientific community, probably blacklisted from all kinds of research. That's where Luc got this from and he just ran with it. Watch, they're going to get a lot of mileage from this.

I think it's fucking hilarious. I can't wait to see the politicized science on both sides.