Noob cfl question


Active Member
Hello everyone. I'm very excited to say I'm currently growing a black jack from nirvana. Sadly it's my only one. I raised it from seed and it's my first grow. Right now I only have 1 cfl over it (it's a 300 watt equiv 68 actuall watts) now I know the plants like blue spectrum light during veg would it help me to add a blue colored cfl or is that just silly? Also should I add more light? I am actually having problems with temps with just the 1 cfl. I would be using a 400 watt MH but that killed 2 of my other plants.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
You need to get temps checked out before even thinkin about adding the 400 if you are having problems with 1 cfl.
Do you have intake/exhaust for wherever you are growing?
Yeah I do have an exaust fan but the ducting is not going into the roof or any walls it kinda just blows into the room but the air coming out feels cool. I don't have intake, it is a secret jarden darkroom 60. But I keep the door wide open during the lighted hours. And I have a fan inside that ocolates. My temps are around 84 during the day and 79 at night.

I've compared growth to other blackjack plants at the same age and it's pretty much the same just a little behind dispite the fact I saved it from root rot during it's first week of veg.

Should I remove it from the darkroom and just use the closet for more open airflow? Would putting the ductng into the ceiling make a big difference? I know for the MH it will.

Also how many wats should I use if I hope to get two ounces from this 1 plant?
Ugh I do have one in the dark room. Sorry I spelled it ocolates instead of oscillate. Lol. I've had lots of trouble sleeping as of late. Only about 3 hours a night for a week now.
The 400 would be great for your plant if you can get temps good then use that.Turn on lights at night to help with the heat problem.
I heard I could pick up some fans from radio shack. I'm going to go check it out for intake / exaust. I just can't imagin paying the $100 my hydro store wants for their fans.

Also would it be bad to duct the a/c vent from the room directly into the dark room? Like is there anything in the air that would be harmful?
Just making sure. Since it's the ac for the house I just wanted to make sure it's okay for the plant. Being in such a small dark room ya know.
well you dont want to freeze them out, ac is kinda overkill for cfls though maybe this is an excuse to get a hid?