Noob Cloner, Indoor Aeroponic 8 Site, Help please.


Active Member
Hello everyone, you might have seen me around here before.

I have a 8 site cloner the water tempature is about 75 - 80 degrees day 3 in cloner, Blue city Diesel and Kush

I need to know how long it takes cause the last 3 times i made clones I failed.

I take the cuttings at a 45 degree angle and I use some stuff recommeneded by the grow shop to soak the cuttings in for 15 secononds before putting into cloner. Its working as of now, but I will upload some pictures,, Any help?

I use a florescent light. Maybe i should go dimmer?

thanks for the help guys!


Well-Known Member
You'll get different responses as far as time goes but typically 5-7 days you should have clones rooted and ready to transplant into whatever your final medium is. I've had some strains grow good roots in 3 - 4 days, some up to 10, rarely beyond 10 days other than if you take clones after you've flipped a plant into flowering, they can take a bit longer, some up to 15 days. It is strain dependent so don't freak if yours don't root within a few days. Your temps are a little high on the higher end (80F), 75F is good for clones imo, anything higher though and you're risking slime and other nasty's. I personally don't do anything to the cuttings other than a slight scrape for the last 1/2 in, and I think any sort of rooting gel/solution for aero cloning is a waste of money and may even be detrimental imo. Fill with tap water, cut, slight scrape and into the cloner, 4-8 days and into medium, keep it simple...