Noob first grow observations.


Well-Known Member
I see some MG grows. That's cool and will work done right. And I see some DWC, gonna SCROG LST FIM etc. it will work too. I see some gonna build my own DWC or aero whatever in a plastic tote. And use mega craze nutes. Ok. That can work.

A lot of times that stuff don't work. Why?

Ya just stepped off the turnip truck and your tryin to go all mad scientist on growing weed when it's not that hard to do. But, you ain't gonna reinvent or even keep up with the dudes who have done this for years. Why are you trying?

Learn to grow something first.

A couple of things.

Why you gonna grow a zillion plants your first grow? Ya don't even know the challenges you will face yet.

Don't be going all electrical crazy. I think CFL is awesome, but I see some of the pics and am scared to death running 20 or whatever CFLS in the same circuit is FREEKING dangerous. Same with HID and overloading circuits. Heat can make fire dudes. It's that simple. Gotta plan ahead and know what your dealing with. HID ain't dangerous unless you don't know what your doing and overload and don't tend toward the temps. The more CFL you chain together the hotter those circuits get and more chance for a fault. Don't want to burn you stuff down. That gives weed a bad rep and can kill you. Be smart and safe!

Noobs. It's not that hard. Don't over think it and obsess it. Find a simple way to get started and grow from there. Don't be all like mad scientists on growing weed. What do I like about grow your own? I know exactly what's in it. ;-)

At the end of the day, if I were a total noob. I would do autos and a hempy bucket with some decent 3 part nutes. I use LED and CFL Supp-sometimes, bet HPS would be awesome done right safely, just never been there. I grow 1 plant. It works and it's good.

Slow down and then catch up noobs. Takes time to grow and to grow your experience. Just saying. Growing MJ is too zen to be worrying about stupid stuff. Espec for noobs trying to be mad scientists and adjust there DWC and trying to implement all the methods they just read about on RIU.



Well-Known Member
lol. my first grow was a 400w mh/ hps, 4 cropped and trained dwc critical kush three weeks veg, 'mega craze' nutes, supps, humic and fulvic acids and yielded 12 ounces. Because your intelligence is clearly lacking please don't assume that they all share your condition.
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