Noob grower need's advice on outdoor New England Growing



    • This my first time growing,I think they are a sativa strain (not sure) I also believe that they are females
      I didn't see any balls on em.
      I planted my seeds in the first week of may
      about 2 1/2 ft, they look like they are in the early bud stage (but not sure). I just wanted some confirmation from experience if they are looking proper for their age,or if this just the veg stage, and if planted in may will they be ready for harvest before first frost hits? Or does it look like some swag that I
      shouldn't waste my time with??? Too many questions Plz help




Active Member
your doing fine man just keep doing what your doing they look great! in about 2 weeks start adding flowering nutes.


Active Member
its hard to tell from the pictures, but they appear to still be in the veg state. whether they'll be ready to harvest pretty much depends on the strain. do you see any white hairs (pistils) protruding from the joints?


Well-Known Member
if you do have white "hairs" its females :)

still in Veg I belive or early pree flowering ..

when the nights become longer then the days they will flower .. plant homones changes ..

and around end september/eraly oktober they will be ready .. keep a eye on night frost .. if it hits early you want to haverst in time ..

Im in Denmark .. and when I did outdoor growing we did similar to you .. tho we made seedlings ready inside under some T8 in april

so we could plant em out in may .. veg for june/july and august they begon to flower .. 8-10 weeks later or before fist frost hit us we did haverst .. back then based on the hairs going brown (before internet aso) you schould get a cheap microcope (30x or more) so you can keep a eye on thricomes when its time for that ..

if that was my plant in my backyard ? I would cut Nitrogen more or less .. and start on a bloom nutriens and if you have it or can get it ..
get some black strap molesses .. its cheap .. and work wonders .. 1 ts spoon per gallon of water is enough .. will help the soils micro life and give the buds a sweet tast aso.

I also have some Bat guano Powder (high P. 15%) so I would give it a good 2 -3 table spoon top dressing of that around mid flowering (week 4)
can get it in most grow shops .. cost like 10£ for a kilo


Well-Known Member

and it looks great .. nice green and helthy .. will mostlikely double in size over the next 4 weeks if it have started to flower .. also depend on your wether .. cross your fingers for nice sunny wether next 10 weeks :D

I belive its a ½ pounder .. dont come and beat me up when you only get 200 grams or a pound .. agin .. cross fingers for nice wether ..

if you got a nice bloom nutriens begin to use it now insted of your veg nutriens .. evry other watering .. unless its rain a lot .. then give it a bit in between ..

use the molesse sirup in the water aswell 1 ts per gallon ..evry seccon watering.. but dissolve it in a cup of boiling water before you add it to your water can ..


Well-Known Member
You have a girl! nice looking one at that. There are numerous potential bud sites, keep it up. Get ready for some stretch, hehehe

Oh, looking at the plant and leaf structure I`d personally guess indica dominant ;)


You have a girl! nice looking one at that. There are numerous potential bud sites, keep it up. Get ready for some stretch, hehehe

Oh, looking at the plant and leaf structure I`d personally guess indica dominant ;)
Nice I am siked that its not sativa shorter harvest time and it dosent grow so tall PERFECT... ANYbody got any idea what kind of bud this might be or is it hard 2 tell?