noob question about lighting.


how far above the plant should i keep a 600 w mh light for veg in a space that is 3 ft 8 inch long and 2 feet wide?


Well-Known Member
LOL not 3-4" for sure. it will fry them. about 15" or so depending on temps and if theyr aircooled lights. put hamd at level of plants to see if it burns. BTW your light can easily cover more than that area even for flowering. 600w coud cover 4x3' easy


Well-Known Member
I find best about 3-4inches from the top.
"Damn lmfao @ 3 to 4 inches " I'd say 18 inches with a none vented reflector or far enough that your not burning the tops of your leafs but not so far that your wasting your lights power, the closest you can get without burning them.
If your using a airflow reflector with small clip fans blowing over the tops you can get closer 10 to 12 inches, also has to do with how many plants your trying to cover with that light. just keep your eyes out for yellowing top leafs if you start seeing that most likely you need to be a little higher.
I have 3 600s in a 4x8