Noob question


I had a female that hermied on me and I found 2 seeds in my last harvest. My question is can different phenotypes come from a hermie or is it gonna be the same generally as the plant it came from? (assuming the seed is female)


Active Member
Yup definitely a girl and not sure bout the phenotype but last time i grew out a hermie seed it was much better than the bud it came from.
Whats funny is i am currently growing another hermie seed being i had such sucess with the last. The first was a sour d & this one is a super silver
ironically from the same person who have me the sour d bud... And I cloned her :mrgreen:
Good Luck....


Well-Known Member
Not 100% true. Depends on why the plant hermied. If it was stress induced then yes you would get female seeds. If it is genetically proned to hermie then it is likely you will have hermie seeds. I'd say in your case they would be female seeds though as your whole plant didn't hermie, it was likely caused by stress or over ripeness and the plants natural tendency to produce male flowers in the hope of producing offspring.


Yeah it was definitely stress because the male flowers were at the top of my tallest cola which was super close to my light so I'm thinkin it was heat or light stress.


Well-Known Member
That is a good question.
I have no idea if selfed seeds have phenos.
The seeds should be very similar to the mom, with out a lot of variation. That is my OPINION based on what I have observed.

Fix your environment or the same thing will happen to the plants from your seeds.