Noob thread: How big of a pot, early sexing, etc.


Active Member
Hey I've got 5 seeds germinated and I plan to put them in tera-cotta pots outdoors so they will blend in with some of the surroundings, and so I can move them easily.

I only want to hold on to 2 females though, and for my own purposes, as I don't want to have to buy as much.

First, how big should the pots be?

I've got a question about early sexing as well since I'd like to hold on to just 2 female plants and I'd like to go keep them seedless... My understanding is that I can cover up the bottom branches so they don't get light for 12 hour intervals during the day, while in a "light vegetative state". Does light vegetative state mean I should also put it in a spot to where it won't get as much sun anyway? How long until I reach this point or what should the plant look like? I just need some clarification some of the things I've read.

Also, what other nutrients do I REALLY NEED to add to potting soil to grow decent outdoor bud?



New Member
About the pot question i have heard to get 10-15 gallon pots.
Wow never heard that before. but i have heard 1 gallon per month of life, so if its gonna be in that pot till harvest and harvest is 3 months you get a 3 gallon pot. But i have seen smaller too. But thats a rule i heard in a video i think.


Active Member
Wow never heard that before. but i have heard 1 gallon per month of life, so if its gonna be in that pot till harvest and harvest is 3 months you get a 3 gallon pot. But i have seen smaller too. But thats a rule i heard in a video i think.
I see.

My 5 plants are 3 or 4 inches long, and I just planted them today. Right now I have all 5 in a 1 gallon terra cotta plant. :-?:-?:-? Yeah.

Anyway, should I move them into individual plastic 1 gallons buckets tomorrow, then into 3 gallon buckets when they hit 3 months, then stop at 5 gallon buckets at 5 months? Then can I just stop there?

Also, It's very important to me that the plants I end up keeping for myself are seedless, so how long can I wait till I can sex them to see which are female... what month should they be in(I want to know what size pot they will be in by this time, assuming I'm going to stick with the 3 month/3 gallon bucket, 5 months/5 gallon bucket, plan.) This is because after I'm able to identify 2 females and find the best ones, I really don't care about the other plants and don't want to spend time and money potting them. You said harvest is at 3 months, so by the time I'm able to determine their sex then they would probly still be in a 1 gallon pot, I guess?

Thanks for your responses:joint:


Well-Known Member
ok what you should do is put them straight into 10 gallon pots. and when they get big enough take a clone from each plant.. then sex the clones by switching the light cycle to 12/12 twelve hours day light twelve hours dark, if your plants are outside you can do this by covering the plant with a tarp or garbage bag and inside you just put a timer on your light.. your clones will be the same sex as your mother plants so if you lable your clones then you can just kill the male mother plants..