Noob w/1st grow questions, help needed from pros

Hi everyone, thank you for help in advance. I rec'vd this lil' girl from a friend a couple weeks ago (see pic 1). From what I knew about her, she was an outside grow, about 3 months old. Not sure if she was cared for that well. I thought she was small.... So I'm giving her a ton of TLC.

Here is what I know: I'm running 8 100 watt (23w) HD CFLs, 18/6, organic medium, temp 70ish at night, 80 day, PH between 6.5 -7, but closer to 7 . I watered seldom, probably once a week. When I got her on 8/16 was 13" high, now she's 21"(see pic 2) she seems to be responding to the TLC. Tons of new growth all over and quite a few pre-flowers, although I'm waiting a little while to flower.

Heres what I don't know: I've noticed that all the new growth has purple veined leaf stems and the older growth just seems green. (pic 3) I just repotted her yesterday into a 5 gallon pot and fed her with Schultz 10x15x10. I've been doing a lot of reading on possible causes. Nitrogen Def, Shock, too hot or cold or genetics. Thing is she 'seems' really healthy and happy, loves to grow stronger...Could it just be genetics? Is there a way to tell if its a N def...what should I use to rectify? So many options out there......or should I just wait and see if the feeding/repotting yesterday helped?

Couple other questions:
Does anyone recognize strain? Heard it may be AK47 or M9...Opinions?
Does she look good/healthy for 3 months old?
When should I flower?

I would greatly appreciate any comments! I personally don't know any growers so you guys are all I got. I may repost this is in the sick plant forums also....
1st day.JPGp2.JPGp4.JPG
Thanks for the quick reply man! Thats what I thought too....I just repotted yesterday and fed with Schultz 10-15-10 plant food (takes a week to work). Do you think this would help and I should wait it out or should I use blood meal for an extra boost. Do you think I should flower now? She was so teeny when I got her I didn't think she was ready yet. She may be now....


New Member
your plant is doin great maintaining ph in the are of 7.0 is perfect i would suggest tking your very top and pinching it on both sides and folding it over as well possibly pinching a few other new growths to make it nice and full you just repotted exactly give it time to adjust i would wait for soil to dry out and give her another shot of food the lower leaf is possibly from clone stage and i would just pluck the yellow leafs off get a good fan blowing on her as to strengten the stem


New Member
also i might add lookin at the last pic she has flipped to flowering stage change lighting to 24 / 0 ASAP to get her back in veg