NorCal Mother charged with Child Abuse


Well-Known Member
Inspired by Uncle Buck's insistence on blind love for Obama, even in MMJ issues I came across this appalling story. Defend a Medical Marijuana patient being arrested for felony child abuse for breast feeding! Dr William Courtney had to freakin testify. What What about only those not in compliance with state regs BS?? This is one of the cruelest things I've seen done to a patient and her children!

Dueling medical experts testify in Butte County Superior Court on marijuana's effect on infants
By RYAN OLSON - Staff Writer
Posted: 06/12/2012 12:07:03 AM PDT

OROVILLE -- The prosecution and defense presented expert witnesses who differed on the impact fresh marijuana could have on infants.

The doctors testified Monday in Butte County Superior Court as part of a preliminary hearing for Daisy Jean Bram. The hearing was to determine whether there is probable cause to hold Bram for trial for felony or misdemeanor child abuse.

In a related case, Bram and Jayme Jeff Walsh face trial for felony marijuana cultivation and possessing it for sale after they were arrested Sept. 29 with 96 plants at their Concow area house.

The defense has claimed the couple were acting as a collective of two.

Under questioning by deputy district attorney Jeff Greeson, Dr. Angela Rosas from the Sutter Medical Group said she believed conditions at the Yellow Wood Road house were hazardous to the couple's children, Thor and Zeus.

A toddler like Thor could get access to marijuana in the house and consume it, leading to poisoning, she said.

Rosas said she has seen cases where children suffering from sleepiness or a coma who have tested positive for THC — the psychoactive chemical in marijuana.

Bram's attorney, Michael Levinsohn, asked Rosas about her assertion regarding children ingesting raw marijuana, noting the THC in the plant isn't active unless it's heated. She said the cases included reports of raw marijuana consumption and that a child could become sick from it.

Levinsohn put Dr. William Courtney on the stand. Courtney, who
practices the medical study of cannabis, said there are trace amounts of active THC in raw marijuana. However, the amount of active THC in raw marijuana is so low that a 3-year-old child would have to eat three bagels' worth of it to have an effect.

The doctor also said the taste and texture of the raw plant is unpleasant for most people.

Courtney pointed out a house that has raw marijuana around a child would also likely have marijuana that has been processed to activate the THC.

Bram and Walsh had previously faced child abuse charges, but Judge Steven Howell ruled last Nov. 30 that there wasn't enough evidence to hold the couple on those counts. The prosecution refiled the charges against Bram.

Much of Monday's testimony reintroduced evidence from that first preliminary hearing.

Former District Attorney's Office investigator Eric Clay testified about marijuana throughout the house, although the growing plants were either outside or in a garage. There were also reportedly plastic grocery bags under a bathroom sink containing syringes and spoons, one coated with a white substance.

Butte County Sheriff's deputy Sam Burnett testified about speaking with a lab technician from Quest Diagnostics in Kansas. The technician tested a hair sample that came back as positive for THC.

A representative from Child Protective Services reportedly took the hair sample from Thor.

However, Levinsohn argued that the prosecution had failed to adequate show the chain of custody.

Burnett's testimony was allowed to stand, but Judge James Reilley declined to admit the actual test results into evidence.

Monday's hearing adjourned without a resolution. Reilley will set a new hearing date on June 26.

Bram and Walsh remain out of custody.

Staff writer Ryan Olson can be reached at 896-7763 or [email protected].



Well-Known Member
fucking wankers that all i can say after listen to the vid. these poeple have never had my respect and never will. tossers. im so mad i canrt explain urrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. leave there kids alone.


Well-Known Member
Inspired by Uncle Buck's insistence on blind love for Obama, even in MMJ issues I came across this appalling story. Defend a Medical Marijuana patient being arrested for felony child abuse for breast feeding! Dr William Courtney had to freakin testify. What What about only those not in compliance with state regs BS?? This is one of the cruelest things I've seen done to a patient and her children!

Dueling medical experts testify in Butte County Superior Court on marijuana's effect on infants
By RYAN OLSON - Staff Writer
Posted: 06/12/2012 12:07:03 AM PDT

OROVILLE -- The prosecution and defense presented expert witnesses who differed on the impact fresh marijuana could have on infants.

The doctors testified Monday in Butte County Superior Court as part of a preliminary hearing for Daisy Jean Bram. The hearing was to determine whether there is probable cause to hold Bram for trial for felony or misdemeanor child abuse.

In a related case, Bram and Jayme Jeff Walsh face trial for felony marijuana cultivation and possessing it for sale after they were arrested Sept. 29 with 96 plants at their Concow area house.

The defense has claimed the couple were acting as a collective of two.

Under questioning by deputy district attorney Jeff Greeson, Dr. Angela Rosas from the Sutter Medical Group said she believed conditions at the Yellow Wood Road house were hazardous to the couple's children, Thor and Zeus.

A toddler like Thor could get access to marijuana in the house and consume it, leading to poisoning, she said.

Rosas said she has seen cases where children suffering from sleepiness or a coma who have tested positive for THC — the psychoactive chemical in marijuana.

Bram's attorney, Michael Levinsohn, asked Rosas about her assertion regarding children ingesting raw marijuana, noting the THC in the plant isn't active unless it's heated. She said the cases included reports of raw marijuana consumption and that a child could become sick from it.

Levinsohn put Dr. William Courtney on the stand. Courtney, who
practices the medical study of cannabis, said there are trace amounts of active THC in raw marijuana. However, the amount of active THC in raw marijuana is so low that a 3-year-old child would have to eat three bagels' worth of it to have an effect.

The doctor also said the taste and texture of the raw plant is unpleasant for most people.

Courtney pointed out a house that has raw marijuana around a child would also likely have marijuana that has been processed to activate the THC.

Bram and Walsh had previously faced child abuse charges, but Judge Steven Howell ruled last Nov. 30 that there wasn't enough evidence to hold the couple on those counts. The prosecution refiled the charges against Bram.

Much of Monday's testimony reintroduced evidence from that first preliminary hearing.

Former District Attorney's Office investigator Eric Clay testified about marijuana throughout the house, although the growing plants were either outside or in a garage. There were also reportedly plastic grocery bags under a bathroom sink containing syringes and spoons, one coated with a white substance.

Butte County Sheriff's deputy Sam Burnett testified about speaking with a lab technician from Quest Diagnostics in Kansas. The technician tested a hair sample that came back as positive for THC.

A representative from Child Protective Services reportedly took the hair sample from Thor.

However, Levinsohn argued that the prosecution had failed to adequate show the chain of custody.

Burnett's testimony was allowed to stand, but Judge James Reilley declined to admit the actual test results into evidence.

Monday's hearing adjourned without a resolution. Reilley will set a new hearing date on June 26.

Bram and Walsh remain out of custody.

Staff writer Ryan Olson can be reached at 896-7763 or [email protected].

"However, the amount of active THC in raw marijuana is so low that a 3-year-old child would have to eat three bagels' worth of it to have an effect."

wtf is a bagels worth? how much is acceptable for a 3 yearold to eat
older dried weed has much more active thc too

"Butte County Sheriff's deputy Sam Burnett testified about speaking with a lab technician from Quest Diagnostics in Kansas. The technician tested a hair sample that came back as positive for THC."

would you say its right for children that young to have thc in their system?

"Bram and Walsh had previously faced child abuse charges, but Judge Steven Howell ruled last Nov. 30 that there wasn't enough evidence to hold the couple on those counts. The prosecution refiled the charges against Bram."

they've had previous run ins with cps and they still havent got their shit together? see below

" There were also reportedly plastic grocery bags under a bathroom sink containing syringes and spoons, one coated with a white substance."

wtf are they doing with syringes and spoons under their sink?



Well-Known Member
typical text book miss educated run system making god like decisions with out any real idea about the thing/person/situation there judging
and then they wonder why people become anti authority


Well-Known Member
typical text book miss educated run system making god like decisions with out any real idea about the thing/person/situation there judging
you got that from just the newspaper article and the emotive screaming youtube vid?

you know enough about the "real idea about the thing/person/situation" to "judge" yourself already?


Well-Known Member
o shit i didnt see the bit about needles and syringes. im not jumping to conclusions or judging in anyway. its juts put a different light on things. are these objects on there arrest sheets or what ever they are in the usa or is this just more speculation


Well-Known Member
UH so many garden reasons come to mind not to mention spoon + white powder =sugar you Pig and I am certain if toxic garden substance there were child safety locks did you even read it? They were afraid it might poison the kids into Sleepiness!


Well-Known Member
o shit i didnt see the bit about needles and syringes. im not jumping to conclusions or judging in anyway. its juts put a different light on things. are these objects on there arrest sheets or what ever they are in the usa or is this just more speculation
whatever it is its certainly not the "felony child abuse for breast feeding!" that the op is trying to make it out to be


Well-Known Member
i got nothing from no vid mate nothing t all. and to say i spent 6 years in prison and then become afer all that i service use involvement worker for a drug link. which means i help people recovery from addictions and other mental illness related to recovery and to say i travel the lenght of the country delivering awareness courses umm you make youre mind up. all my views opinion are from exp


Well-Known Member
UH so many garden reasons come to mind not to mention spoon + white powder =sugar you Pig and I am certain if toxic garden substance there were child safety locks did you even read it? They were afraid it might poison the kids into Sleepiness!
how much THC do you think is ok in kids system?


Well-Known Member

wtf is a bagels worth? how much is acceptable for a 3 yearold to eat
older dried weed has much more active thc too
No one ate anything, the lawyer was speculating.

would you say its right for children that young to have thc in their system?
The evidence was thrown out because they couldn't prove the chain of custody. i.e. someone easily could have tampered with the evidence.

they've had previous run ins with cps and they still havent got their shit together? see below
How many speeding tickets have you gotten in your life? If its more than 1 then you didn't get your shit together.

wtf are they doing with syringes and spoons under their sink?

Is it illegal to have syringes and spoons under a sink?

Are the defendants breaking the law by growing MJ? Or are they engaged in a legal enterprise?


Well-Known Member
No one ate anything, the lawyer was speculating.

The evidence was thrown out because they couldn't prove the chain of custody. i.e. someone easily could have tampered with the evidence.
ahh so its a big conspiracy and they were obviously perfect parents
[/SIZE] How many speeding tickets have you gotten in your life? If its more than 1 then you didn't get your shit together.

yeah and if i dont get my shit together and lose my license for speeding its on menot the states or "obama's" fault
Is it illegal to have syringes and spoons under a sink?
depends what those syringes were used for and whether the child could access it
Are the defendants breaking the law by growing MJ? Or are they engaged in a legal enterprise?
that wasnt the "op" i think you'l find it was to do with "brestfeeding" and "felony" not the "legal enterprise"


Well-Known Member
ahh so its a big conspiracy and they were obviously perfect parents

yeah and if i dont get my shit together and lose my license for speeding its on menot the states or "obama's" fault

depends what those syringes were used for and whether the child could access it

that wasnt the "op" i think you'l find it was to do with "brestfeeding" and "felony" not the "legal enterprise"
1. Are any parents perfect? If they aren't perfect should we imprison them all and send the children off to some collective agency for re-education?

2. Syringes are not illegal, the white powder must not be illegal either or they would have been arrested for it. Most likely they found the owners Diabetic kit/ Allergy kit and some baby powder. I don't even know why that was in the story, other than to convince dumb asses that are unable to critically think that the defendants are hardcore drug users, but if the white powder and syringes were used for anything Illegal that would be EASILY PROVEN, but of course nothing was proven because there was nothing illegal about the syringes or the white powder (Babypowder). Sometimes parents use babypowder for babies, are there any babies in this story?

3. 30,000 children die each year from drinking chemicals found under the sink, guess how many of the parents went to prison? NONE!!

4. When did it become a felony to breastfeed?


Well-Known Member
whatever it is its certainly not the "felony child abuse for breast feeding!" that the op is trying to make it out to be

They came onto her family's land because the helicopter's spotted their grow. They invaded her family's private property using BS County reg to inspect. They found the grow. They arrested them and took the kids to CPS, the judge later said to release them but they didn't. Instead they refiled because they couldn't prove the cannabis had done any harm to the children according to the Judge so they said

She was breast feeding

Fucking read the story and if you still cry wolf I cry PIG!


Well-Known Member
fucking wankers that all i can say after listen to the vid. these poeple have never had my respect and never will. tossers. im so mad i canrt explain urrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. leave there kids alone.
I'm physically ill.