norcal- when are your plants done flowering?


Active Member
obviously sativas will take longer but are most of your guys done by the end of sept? i planning a trip for the last weekend of the sept and would like my plants to be done by then if not i gotta hire a friend to take care of them, thanks RIU

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't pull in sept maybe first to second week of October. depending on strain. get a magnifying glass to check tricomes if 50% of them are amber color I would pull. but its gonna be up to you/experience. I use to chop my entire grow at once. now I chop top colas first and let the rest of the plant go about a week or two more. but don't go off of what I say. you are gonna have to try different ways and research your particular strains before you know how/when "YOU" want to harvest.


Active Member
i know how to harvest, what iam asking is do you find that most of your plants are done by the end of sept or longer, the last couple of years i think i finished around the end of sept- beg of oct

Da Mann

Well-Known Member
i know how to harvest, what iam asking is do you find that most of your plants are done by the end of sept or longer, the last couple of years i think i finished around the end of sept- beg of oct
Most strains will finish in late Aug to mid Oct.


Well-Known Member
i know how to harvest, what iam asking is do you find that most of your plants are done by the end of sept or longer, the last couple of years i think i finished around the end of sept- beg of oct
no one was telling you how to harvest, they were trying to show you the differance in trichrome colours and the effect your cannabis will have. your question is very vague, you have not given any info of strain or if its an indica or a sativa or both. i think its a guessing game unless youve grown the same stablized strain several years in a row, in the same location, with plants recieving the same amount of light, and similar weather conditions. also i believe some phenos of the same strain may start flowering at differant times aswell. if you know how to harvest then you should probably stick around to make the judgment rather than leave it up to someone who might not know as much as you and that you will now have to cut in. good luck to you sir


Active Member
yes it was a vague question because i was asking for a generality amongst norcal growers and if he's showing me trichome color, which was not apart of my question, then he is telling how to harvest


Well-Known Member
October, I have not had any harvest in September myself in Norcal. But I pretty much stick to strains I have grown before so I know what to expect. What Strains are you growing?


Well-Known Member
I've had pure Indicas finish at the end of Sept. in NorCal. Most of my hybrids finish throughout Oct., from mid to late.


Well-Known Member
In the North Bay. The few growers I know have an unwritten rule of "harvest by Halloween". Some varieties I've been able to harvest Sept. 30 and those were for the effect, slightly early. The fog begins in Oct., even without the worry of rain. I'm running an early finisher to try to escape the bud rot for an experiment (Texada Skunk from PeakSeedsBC). I've tried to grow (nearly) pure sativas (Reeferman) and gone to Dec. with them and they would not finish. The ground gets too cold. I'm gravitating toward Canadian varieties. I have TGA Jack's Cleaner 2, Mosca's Old Time Indiana Bubblegum, Serious C-99 as well. The Texada is the strongest of the strains so far, this year, very pleased. Most strains are harvested around the middle of Oct.