Nori seaweed for hormones and trace elements


Active Member
Will it work like kelp, kelp meal? Anyone experiment with it? I may fux with it. I have some old Nori sheets Im scared to eat, so I may grind it up and feed it to my one of my plants see if anything positive happens.
Will it work like kelp, kelp meal? Anyone experiment with it? I may fux with it. I have some old Nori sheets Im scared to eat, so I may grind it up and feed it to my one of my plants see if anything positive happens.
I can't recall exactly but if my stoner memory serves, aren't they high in sodium?
I know some are, so keep that in mind, if you wasn't to use it i'd go for the low sodium ones.
The package says 126 mg sodium per serving.
How big is a serving? You could find out the percentage then by dividing:

0.126 grams of sodium / x

where x = serving size in grams

That will give you a decimal so x by 100 for %

If you soak in ro or distilled water you could then taste for saltiness

I'm gonna start using seaweed flour myself

Either way tho, a test on one plant is no big deal vs say a whole batch of soil

Let us know !!