im thinking about starting up a grow room and im ok wondering the difference between the two types and wheather or not its worth it to spring for the digi.....thanks a lot love the site
the information I have looked at indicates they are if you are not an a tight budget. Just improvements in technology driven by an industry that doesn't exist in the US.
digi ballasts regular the flow of electricity a bit better and will keep your flow of electricity to the bulb more constant and static. I would imagine this is better for the bulbs in the long run too.
Digi ballast produce up to 30% more light.
They also fuck up cell phone reception, and I wouldn't want my neighbours to work too hard finding whats wrong.
Digi ballast produce up to 30% more light.
They also fuck up cell phone reception, and I wouldn't want my neighbours to work too hard finding whats wrong.