
I've been flowering for about a month and a half now and I'm getting lots of fan leave turning brown around their edges;
Pocahontas Gen 2 13.jpg
I read somewhere that during flowering the plant puts all it's energy into bud production and therefore some fan leaves might turn yellow and fall off. Another thing I have observed the entire time I've grown this plant is that just the tips of the leaves curl and turn brown. I think it might be a root binding issue. I'm running a hydro NFT set up and my root tray is only 10"wide x16"long x4"deep and it's suppling two 36" high plants.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
im no expert but been growing for about a year and from what i can see it does not look natural. looks like a burn of some sort.


Well-Known Member
How strong is your nutrient mix? Do you have good air ventilation? What are your temps at?...humidity...pH..etc? From my experience, leaf curl, brown crispiness is a sign of nutrient burn.
I'm using 40% of the recommended strength indicated on the GH flora series bottles. I've got two small computer fans on my light frame pointed down for circulation. The temp at the top is 22C 71.6F and the base is 20C 68F. The humidity sits at 50%. PH is 6.5

It looks like nutrient burn to me. 20% maybe...
Thanks for the prognostics! I've heard about running straight water for a period of time towards the end near harvest. Is this a good idea?


Active Member
I use to get that alot, its either a nitrogen burn or ur lights are burning them. How close are your lights? If they are not to close it just may be to much nitrogen in the soil. I fixed mine pretty easy. Dont add anymore nutr for a lil while n id say for the next two waterings that you do, just, use purified water.


Active Member
I just read through all the posts :p, yes just run straight purified water through ur system. The purified water I normal check ph lvl sits at 6.8 -6.9 perfect, then id say mayb after 5 to 7 days slowly reintroduce ur nutr back in little by little.